Brenda Brenda

Copy of My last holiday, past simple: negative, questions and short answers.
Beginners, A1, level


During this lesson Ss will be introduced to the past simple (negative, short questions and answers) in the context of past holidays. The T will elicit the grammatical structures through a lead-in activity focusing on their last holiday. Ss will complete a series of controlled tasks to practice using the grammar accurately. Ss will then engage in some speaking activities to practice what they have learnt and to develop their fluency.


Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with practice using the past simple negative, questions and short answers in the context of past holiday experiences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss with semi-controlled speaking practice to develop their spoken accuracy using the past simple negative, short answers and questions in the context of past holidays.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and engage students

T will stick an image on the WB of themselves and a friend on holiday. T will also stick images on the WB of places/things they did/didn't do whilst on holiday. T will instruct Ss to work in pairs to come up with some questions to ask about the images. Provide Ss with an e.g. such as 'Did you stay at a hotel?, did you see Bodrum castle?". Give Ss 2 minutes. T will elicit Ss questions and write some model sentences on the WB, then respond, when the answer is no, T will elicit how to respond from the Ss (e.g. S: did you see the castle? T: No. show structure on WB and elicit 'I didn't see the castle'. ICQ's: 1. are you going to write something? (no) 2. are you going to think of questions with a partner? (yes) 2. how many minutes do you have? (2) WB: Question (where did...) Short answer (yes i did, no i didn't) longer answer (I didn't visit the museum...)

language focus (continued) (3-5 minutes) • To allow Ss to identify the past simple 'didn't' and questions with short answers.

T will highlight the structures 'didn't/did' on the WB: question word +didn't +subject +base form verb (question) subject +didn't +verb .... (answer). T will elicit Ss knowledge using of the sentence structure above. Elicit Ss knowledge by circling the structures in different colours. 1. didn't: is this positive or negative? 2. didn't is the contrasted form of did not (show using hand gesture) 3. Demonstrate that didn't can be used with all subjects apart from be (be=wasn't/weren't) T will engage Ss in a series of drilling exercises to practice pronunciation: didn't / did not (focus on the stress) did you visit the castle? (focus on rising intonation) T will address errors by highlighting the stress/rising intonation on the WB or illustrate the contraction on 'didn't' using hand gestures.

Clarification (3-4 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of 'didn't'

Meaning: Depending on the model sentences used, T will use CCQ's to check their understanding of 'didn't'. e.g. I didn't visit the castle: 1. Did I go inside the castle? (no) why? (because you didn't go to see the castle) e.g. I didn't stay in a hotel: 1. Did i sleep in a hotel room? (no) why? (because i stayed at my friends house) T will ask Ss: Is it positive or negative? T will change one of the model sentences so that it is incorrect. e.g. I didn't stayed in a hotel, and elicit from the Ss why it is wrong (because we use the form with negative sentences, not in its past simple form). T will engage Ss in a series of drilling exercises to practice the pronunciation. Highlight the stress differences between did not (did is stressed) and didn't (not stressed).

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To assist Ss with using the past simple 'didn't' and forming questions

T will show Ss exercise 1 (see handout) and instruct Ss to rearrange the questions so that they are in the correct order. E.g. you, where, go on holiday?, did should read 'where did you go on holiday?' Instruct Ss to check their answers in pairs when they have finished. ICQ's: 1. Are these words in the correct order? (no) 2. Are you going to write the sentences in the correct order? (yes) 3. Are you going to discuss your answers with a partner? (yes) T will Ss with an answer key to check their answers and then engage Ss in a series of drilling exercises. T will pay attention to their pronunciation and use hot error correction if needed.

semi-controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • To allow Ss semi-controlled practice using the past simple to create short answers.

T will then instruct Ss to speak with their partner to change any of the positive form answers from exercise 1 so that they have a negative form. Encourage Ss to discuss rather than write down. T will complete 1 example with the WC. E.g. 'She stayed in a hotel' will be changed to 'she didn't stay in a hotel'. ICQ's: 1. Are you going create positive or negative forms? (negative) 2. Are you going to discuss your answers with a partner? (yes) 3. Are you going to complete 1 or 6 of the questions? (6) T will elicit the answers from the Ss to get WC FB. Practice error correction.

Semi-Controlled speaking Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide Ss with semi-controlled speaking practice to use past simple questions and short answers.

T will place Ss into new pairs. T will instruct Ss to think of the last time they went on holiday. Ss will ask and answer each others questions from the previous exercise. For example, Q: did you visit any museums? A: No, I didn't. e.g. No she didn't. ICQ's: 1. Who are you going to ask your questions to? (my partner) 2. Are you to speak about your last holiday or work? (last holiday) 3. Do you need to write anything? (no) T will monitor Ss and make notes of any grammatical/pronunciation errors. Just before Ss finish the task, T will write some of the errors on the WB ready for FB. T will select Ss to share their answers with the WC. T will then focus Ss on the errors written on the WB and elicit the correct answer from them.

Free speaking practice (8-10 minutes) • To allow Ss to practice speaking for fluency in relation to their last holiday.

T will place Ss in two lines facing each other. T will instruct Ss not to use their written notes to encourage free speaking. T will instruct Ss to think of the last time they went on holiday (if they haven't, they can pretend). Ss will ask and answer each others questions about their last holiday. When T claps twice, Ss must change partners and then tell their new partner about their previous partners holiday. Continue until they have all learnt about a few Ss holidays. ICQ's: 1. are you going to ask about your partners last holiday? (yes) 2. are you going to speak to everyone or just your partner? (just partner) 3. When i clap twice are you going to change partners? (yes) T will walk around the classroom and monitor Ss conversations. T will make a note of any errors, ready to address them at the end of the activity. Pay attention to pronunciation. T will select Ss to tell the WC about some of their peers last holiday.

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