TP 7b
Pre-İntermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of the passive voice in the context of shopping
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification and practice of verbs often used in passive voice in the context of shopping
Procedure (32-46 minutes)
T will write her sentences on the board.To engage the students introduction topic will be about historical events.'Today in the history'.Suleyman the magnifecent was announced as the new sultan, Mevlana Rumi was born, V.Henry was killed.So, the sultan announced his name by himself? He did it or somebody did it? etc.after eliciting few ideas,T will introduced them with the passive voice.
After warm up, T will ask the students to compare the active and passive structures.To make the subject clearer, T will use CCQ by giving realistic examples.
T will write the related words on the whiteboard.Before they move on to the exercises they will be introduced the common words,which can be seen often with the passive examples.By the way, T will teach them related collocations so they can grasp the meanings of the vocabulary.So, it can save some time for other activities.
After teaching the new vocabulary,T will ask them where the word stress is.Later on,she will make them repeat the new words.
At this stage T will ask the students to focus on the exercises on the text.İn pairs, they will do the exercise.İf they struggle,T will help the students.
As a last stage,the students will focus on speaking which is related with the given text.After whole class will talk about it.