Special questions in Present tenses
Elementary (kids 10-11 yo) level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of present tense in the context of daily routine
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of present tense in the context of daily routine
Procedure (44-60 minutes)
First, we sing a song using our daily routine vocabulary, recalling the words that we are going to use during the lesson.
Students are devided into 2 teams. On the board there are two fields: Present Simple (for team 1) and Present Continuous (for team 2). The goal is to write structures of positive, negative and question sentences. on this stage without special questions. After we compare their answers with the formulas in the workbook. After we remember structures of to be, modals verbs, there is/are in the same way.
After revising all formulas of tenses. We try to creature special questions for all types of sentences. And discuss the formula of the special question. We go to the rule in the Work book.
Students tick a write answer in the small test. After we check it together with the teacher. Then, a student choose a sentence preparred by the teacher in advance and for a certain amount of time they should change it in negative, common question and special question.
Finally, 1 student holds a ball and makes a positive sentence with a verb proposed, then he/she throws a ball to student 2 - and the 2 student should make a special question with the same sentence.