Yalçın Süvari Yalçın Süvari

TP.6 Comperatives
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will work on comperative adjectives and practice by a roleplay. The lesson starts with a discussion about cars, This is followed by a gapfill activity where Ss compare their sheets and try to guess and complete each others sentences. Then Ss work on a find someone who activity. Finally Ss will prepare a rolaplay activity.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of comperatives in the context of cars

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice using comperative adjectives


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Display two contrasting car models on WB, tell Ss to compare and find the diffrences. Drill if necessary. But don't correct any grammatical mistake at this point. Elicit adjectives like fast, economical, luxurious, old, comfortable.

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Put Ss into pairs and hand out the gapfill activity. This gapfill has twelve sentences for Ss to guess the comperative and complete the sentence. Ss will work in pairs trying to complete each others sentences. Walk around the class. monitor and take notes for both pronunciation and grammar mistakes.

Teach (10-12 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

There are three possibilities here. If Ss had difficulty with the form of regular short words or regular longer words or irregular words here are some CCQs which may help Ss to understand; 1. What two letters do you put at the end of one-syllable adjectives (e.g. short)? 2. Why is hot diffrent? 3. What happens when an adjective ends in -y? What word do you put in fron of long adjectives (e.g. popular)? 5. What's the missing word in this sentence? China is bigger ______Japan. If Ss had difficulty with the meaning of comperative adjectives, here are more CCQs, point at the cars on WB and ask; 1. Which car has very high price?(the ferrari) 2. Which car has a low price? (Tofask) One car cost thousands of dolars, the other costs 2 thousand dolars. Which car can I buy? (Tofask) 3. WHY? (Because it's cheaper.) If Ss had no problem with meaning and form you can introcude advanced points like quantities, verb+comperative, comperative and comperative, more and more + adjective, adverb + comperative, than. (e.g. 1. This is ten times better than the old one. 2. It looks bigger. 3. The night became colder and colder. 4. They were getting more and more desperate. 5. It was considerably colder in the mountains.)

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Introduce the task. Tell Ss that they must ask questions to find the answer. Elicit, for eample: how many hours a night do you sleep? Model this task with a student if possible. Ss walk around the class to find the answers. At this stage they will be asking and giving information to each other. When Ss finished all the sentences ask for the most interesting information they discovered.

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Give each student a flashcard and tell them that the people they see on those cards are no longer rich as they used to be. They gather in a meeting where they will talk about their houses, their cars and argue about whose house is bigger and whose car is faster. Model the task with one student.

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