Elementary level

Main Aims
To provide gist reading practice using a text about some people's personal style in the context of Fashion, followed by scan reading in the same text.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of clothing vocabulary in the context of of fashion.
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
Will ask the Ss to pay attention to the video clip and be ready to answer what the person in the clip does for a living. The clip is from the last scene of Zoolander, so the Ss should recognize that he is a model and thus works in fashion.
I'll ask the Ss to name some brands that make nice clothes/accessories. I'll have them write them on the board (since I won't know half of them). Then, I'll go through some of the brands and ask them what kind of clothes/accessories them make. This will get the Ss using the vocab from the previous lesson that will be present in the text.
Before reading, T will ask the students to find which paragraphs match the people in the pictures, which I'll put up on the projector. Afterwards, I'll ask the Ss which paragraph matches which person.
This time, Ss are looking for specific information to match to the people in the pictures. They need to match two qualities described in the text to one person.
The Ss will be placed into groups of 4-5 and asked to discuss their own fashion preferences. The first line of discussion will be whether or not they like shopping for clothes and why. For the second, they'll be asked which of the three people from before best resembles their own attitude towards fashion and to explain. Finally, Ss will discuss their favorite shop or shops and what they buy there.