Özlem Güler Özlem Güler

Present and Past Habits
B2 level


In this lesson students learn telling about their present and past habits using S.Present, Will Future,P. Continuous,S. Past,Used to and Would.The teacher elicits the topic setting a context by talking about her daily breakfast habits.Then students are give a survey about healthy food to activate their schemata.After that students are shown phptos of Ted and Cassy and try to guess which sentences are told by whom both to let them get familiar with TL and check what they know.They listen and check ansers.Right after that students listen again again to answer questions about eating habits of Ted and Cassy. The teacher clarifies the meaning form and phonology of TL on WB. Next, students are exposed frequency adverbs via an exercise on which they have to choose to correct form of TL. As the next step, students have a gap fill HO that they use TL to fill in blanks. And then students place frequency adverbs on the corret place(lower-higher) on WB.Following this,students are asked to write four true and four false senences about their eating habits to let them produce and personalize TL. Still to make students produce,they are asked to discuss how their life was different five years ago from now using TL and share whose life has changed most.


Abc Audio
Abc Flash cards
Abc Gap fill handouts.
Abc Hand-out
Abc Audio track

Main Aims

  • To provide review of S. Present, Present Continuous, Will Future, Simple Past,Used to and Would in the context of Present and Past Habits

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of Frequency Adverbs in the context of Present and Past Habits


Settinng context and elicitation (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher tells that she just had coffee at breakfast,she generally does that and asks students if they had breakfast or not.students are asked to tell how often they have breakfast and what is a thing called if that's a repeated action or state.The teacher elicits the topic ''habits''. Students answer in aspects of eating habits.The teacher asks them to tell what types of habits do people have(Sleeping,work,study,wear,freetime,sports/exercise..) Students discuss in pairs.

Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To engage students

Students are given a HO of a survey about eating habits done in the USA.They try the guess the correct percentage in pairs and the teacher give each pair a part of the answer key to share with the class.

Test #1 (Elicitation) (3-4 minutes) • To elicit what students know about TL

Students are shown photos of Ted and Cassy and guess who told which sentence on the HO given.They check answers via listening.

Test #1 (4-4 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Students listen again answer the questions about Cassy and Ted on HO given.They check in pairs.

Teach (6-6 minutes) • To clarify and TL.

The students are given a gap fill and optional activity which hey have to elicit the use of TL..They check in pairs.Then the teacher draws a spidergram on WB which explains use of TL with elicitation from students.

Test #2 (3-3 minutes) • To check what students learned

Students are given HO which students have to choose the correct option.They are also exposed some frequency adverbs.They check in pairs.

Test #2 (3-4 minutes) • To check what students learned and compare with the 1. Test

Students are given a gap fill activity of TL in which they are also exposed to ''frequency adverbs''.They check in pairs.

Production #1 (7-8 minutes) • To let students use target vocabulary in daily conversation.

Students are asked to cateorize frequency adverbs in terms of ''lower frquency''or ''higher frequency' using the bold words given in bold in activity for and five.'On WB the teacher draws a timeline and students place frequency adverbs on a correct placeThey write four true and four false statements about their eating habits using the frequency adverbs given.They discuss in pairs and guess which ons are true/false.

Production #2 (8-9 minutes) • To let students use both TL and target vocabulary in daily conversation.

Sudents are asked to make notes on the differences between their live five years ago and their life now.They can use either their opinions or given in the activity.Then they discuss in pairs how their life now is different from their life five years ago using language from 3.exercise.They tell the class whose life has changed most.

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