Özlem Güler Özlem Güler

What are you going to/will/do you/are you do/doing on Saturday?
B2 level


In this lesson,Ss learn use of future meaning in different forms.The lesson starts with looking at the phtos of James and Richard.Ss read about their conversation planning a trip to a football match.After checking it via listening,they express if they like planning or not,what kind of activities they do on Saturday and what they will do on Saturday.The teacher asks what they will do on Saturday and asks the meaning showing possible forms of answer.Drawing a line Ss are shown how likely the action will happen and in what content Ss are given a gap fill activity and as the last step they stand up to read the papers on the walls and match those with the appropriate tense on the board.


Abc CD of coursebook
Abc Flash cards
Abc Matching handout
Abc Text Handout
Abc Topic Cards
Abc CD of coursebook

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of use of futuremeaning in Simple Present Tense,Present ContiniousTense,Future with Be Going to and Future with Will in the context of plans for this Saturday

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about Getting Together in the context of phone call about planning a trip to a football match


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T:I am looking forward to start the weekend.Because I have a lot of plans.I will meet an old friend and I am going to go to a concert.I have already bought my tickets.Do you make plans?Do you like planning?What kind of things do you plan?Discuss in pairs.

Pre-Reading/Listening (9-9 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The students are shown a photo of James and Michael and asked to guess what their plan is.Then they are given a HO of their conversation and asked to choose the best future forms.

While-Reading/Listening (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

The students listen to the track and see which forms are correct with the use of future meaning.They read for gist.

Post-Reading/Listening Stage (11-11 minutes) • To provide students a good comprehension of future meaning in different tenses.

The teacher draws a line on WB and marks the likely and unlikely points on the line.Then she asks the students to place the sentences she will say on the correct place on the line.With CCQs she ensures if they understood or not.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The students are divided in pairs.The teacher writes the tenses on WB and ask the students to look at the walls to read the topics so that they can grab the paper on the wall and stick it under the correct tense on WB.

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