Gulshat Gulshat

Teaching practice 4b
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn a new vocabulary in the context of "Hopes and Fears", particularly, talking about utopia. They will start with a speaking activity, reflecting the topic that was raised at the previous lesson and will continue with a vocabulary drilling that will come up through a guided discovery. They will learn the phrasal verbs with "get", anchoring them through a controlled practice, semi-controlled practice and will finish the lesson with a speaking practice, using new phrases in their conversarion with each other.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of phrasal verbs with "get", dystopia, utopia, government in the context of Hopes and Fears

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice of the phrasal verbs with 'get' in a dialog and opinion sharing in the context of Utopian world


Introducing the context of the Utopian world (8-10 minutes) • to prepare Ss to the further guided discovery practice and give them new words, like 'utopia', dystopia and 'government'

The students will be shown a big picture where they can see a perfect world, bad world and the government. First they will be asked what they can see on the picture, guessing and giving their opinion. The T will ask the CCQs, like: Is this world perfect? Can all people be always happy? Is it possible that government doesn't tell what to do? So, the answer will be "no". The T will try to elicit the word 'utopia' and 'dystopia' by giving the meaning of the first one and then tryinf to elicit the meaning of the second, asking about the opposite word. Then the students will repeat after the T, drilling the pronunciation of the 'utopia', 'dystopia' and 'government'. The teacher will also ask couple of students to pronounce the words and will write them on the WB, stressing the syllabus. CCQ: Is this world perfect? Can all people be always happy? Is it possible that government doesn't tell what to do? Is it possible that eveyrthing is always bad? This is an UTOPIA. Repeat 'Utopia' x3 times. Give the meaning: an imaginary place or situation where everything is perfect. Write it on the WB. Ask if it's a noun or an adjective. Make the stress.

Guided discovery (15-17 minutes) • to add new phrasal verbs with 'get ' to the Ss' vocabulary, clarifying the meaning and drilling the pronunciation

The students will be given a handout with a text that the T has made by herself, adapting the material from the Global Pre-Intermediate coursebook. The text will be about the country 'The Neverland' and its context is about an utopian world. The text will be full of the phrasal verbs with 'get', including the word 'government', that was learnt before. The Ss will read the text and answer the T/F questions after it, working in pairs. Then the T will do the FB, asking CCQs of the same questions that were in the text, but using the phrasal verbs with 'get', and eliciting the answers from the Ss. Then, the T will ask the Ss to underline all the verbs with 'get', clarifying the meaning and drilling the pronunciation.

Controlled practice of the vocabulary (3-4 minutes) • To anchor new phrasal verbs with 'get' and to let students remember the meaning

The students will work in groups of 4. They will be given a paper with the meaning of the phrasal verbs with 'get' and one set of flashcards with the phrasal verbs. They should match the phrasal verbs with 'get' with the right meaning. In the FB, the T can ask a student from each group to come to the WB and stick the right answers in front of the phrasal verbs with 'get', so the Ss could check their answers. Instructions: 1. I will give you the cards with the meaning and phrasal verb. You should match the verb with the meaning. Work in groups. You have 2 minutes. Do we work in pairs or in groups? How much time do you have? 2. One student from each group come to the board and stick your answers.

Semi-controlled written practice (might be skipped if time is a factor) (5-7 minutes) • To develop written skills and to anchor the previously learnt phrasal verbs with 'get'

The Ss will be given a HO with questions that ask to describe their perfect utopian world. They should it do individually. Instructions: 1.Read the questions and describe your perfect utopian world. You have 5 minutes. Do we do it alone or in pairs? How much time do you have?

Semi-controlled speaking practice (5-7 minutes) • To develop speaking skills, to anchor the vocabulary, elicit the mistakes and let Ss do the self-correction.

The Ss will work in pairs and should share with each other their perfect utopian world. To help them, the T can give them the questions, that were prepared for the previous written activity, in case it is skipped. If it's not skipped, so the Ss just continue it by sharing their thoughts now, with a partner. FB: The teacher will monitor the Ss while they are speaking and elicit the mistakes that can be then written on the WB. The Ss will do the self-correction Instructions: Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your perfect utopian world. You have 5 minutes Do we speak or do we write? Do we work in pairs or groups? How much time do you have?

Extra freer speaking activity (5-7 minutes) • To develop speaking skills, to anchor the vocabulary, elicit the mistakes and let Ss do the self-correction.

The Ss will be divided into groups and each group should make their own story of dystopia. They will be then re-grouped and tell each other their stories. The Teacher can then ask their opinion and whose story is the best. FB: The T will monitor the speaking activity, elicit the mistakes, write them on the WB and let the Ss correct themselves. Instructions: Work in groups. Make your own story about Dystopian world. You have 5 minutes. Do we speak or do we write? Which language do we speak? How much time do you have?

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