Cynthia Hong Cynthia Hong

CELTA Teaching Practice 4
Upper-intermediate level


Abc Face2Face Upper Intermediate Student’s Book

Main Aims

  • To develop students' ability to discuss financial matters and express wishes, hopes, and frustrations using appropriate vocabulary and grammar. The target language: Wishes, I hope..., and It’s time...

Subsidiary Aims

  • To improve listening and speaking fluency in contexts involving borrowing, lending, and personal aspirations.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Quick brainstorming with students, asking "Think of one or two words related to money?" (e.g. debt, saving, deposit, spend...) If possible, the teacher can play as the volunteer to pose the first word as an example. The students can say any words that they navigate from their knowledge.

Text work (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ask students to listen to CD2 27 and answer the following questions in a Google form. 1 What does Briony want? 2 Why does she want it? 3. Does she get exactly what she wants? (I will use multiple choice forms to make the task easier to adapt to online teaching.) When students submit their answers, I will share and go through the responses quickly.

Clarification (8-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

TL: Wishes, I hope..., and It’s time... I will indicate the following context on the slides and clarify the meaning of TL. "Wishes" express a desire for a situation that is unreal, hypothetical, or contrary to reality in the present, past, or future. e.g.  Present: I wish I had more free time (but I don’t).  Past: I wish I had studied harder (but I didn’t).  Future: I wish you would call me tomorrow. "I hope…" expresses a desire or expectation for something realistic and likely to happen in the present or future. e.g.  Present: I hope you are feeling better.  Future: I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow. "It’s time…" expresses that something should have already happened or needs to happen now. The following clause typically uses the past simple for present implications. e.g.  It’s time you went to bed.  It’s time we started working. And I will ask the CCQs to ensure the students understand the meanings of TL. For wish: "Do I have a car now?" (No) "Can I get one immediately?" (No) For hope: "Do I think passing is possible?" (Yes) "Is it something I want?" (Yes) For it’s time: "Do I think we should leave now?" (Yes) "Is there urgency?" (Yes) I will assign one student to identify the stress on each TL. I will then ask students to do a multiple choice on the Google form to practice the TL.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Adapt Ex 5a - gap-fill to provide controlled practice of the TL via Google form. I will only use the 4 questions of Ex 5a to make the online teaching and student practice more effective. When students submit their answers, I will share and go through quickly about the responses.

Free Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Mixed Ex 7 and 8 to ask students to discuss in groups about Think of 2 things that annoy you. Use these ideas or your own, and here is an example. For example: I wish companies would stop sending me so much junk emails. • junk mail • TV adverts • people's habits • background music • mobile phones • call centres • other drivers • rubbish

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