Sebastián Pulgarín Sebastián Pulgarín


Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about Phrasal Verbs and language about money. in the context of Pay sb/sth back or pay back sb/sth, pay sth off or pay off sth, a mortgage, take sth out or take out sth, etc.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Sing a song with the teacher in the context of Sing the first phrase from Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk (Lyrics) ft. Bruno Mars lyrics. We will read it first a couple of times, then we will sing it in line with the singer.


Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lead-in is a quick approach to practicing repeating the lyrics of a song. It will be the first phrase of the song.

GIST TASK (6-7 minutes) • Listen for gist and wrap the main idea from the audio.

To provide students to listen an audio only once and then they will have to answer a question from the audio: What is the problem that Bob has with Jane? This question will be provided on the screen, it will be share on zoom so that all students can read it. Link:

LISTENING FOR DETAILS (2-4 minutes) • Make students focus in phrasal verbs in the audio.

Students will listen for a second time and they will have to fill the gaps for phrasal verbs. A link is going to be shared so that they can edit the G-slides. Each student will have their own slide to edit and place the different phrasal verb on the right place. The audio will be played for a second time to let students verify their answers.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Students will have to open the next link: Each student will have their own slide to edit. They will find four words and four different meaning, the students will have to match the right meaning with the right word. After this, I will open a link and will share my screen with the students for the purpose of check the stress in the phrasal verbs worked from the audio. Students will be taught about how important is the stress in phrasal verbs, clarifying that the stress is what gives the meaning to this special verbs. The importance of the order of the words that make up the phrasal verbs will also be clarified, as well as which verbs can have their order changed and which cannot.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will send a Google form to students where they will find 6 questions. Each question has to right answers, students will have to be able to identify the to accurate answers. After they have sent their forms, we will discuss the forms all together once the students have finished them.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

At the end of the class we will have some time answering the questions sent through this link: Students will have this time working in pairs, if time allows they will be able to answer the 4 questions.

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