Presents for Christmas
Kids 4-5 y.o. (elementary) level
Main Aims
To provide practice of Christmas, train, rocket, robot, teddy bear, yo-yo, bike, jump rope in the context of Toys. Christmas
To provide fluency speaking practice in a speaking about christmas, favorite toys, presents for Christmas in the context of Christmas presents
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of Christmas, train, rocket, robot, teddy bear, yo-yo, bike, jump rope (sing a song)
To provide detailed listening practice using a song about Christmas, train, rocket, robot, teddy bear, yo-yo, bike, jump rope
Finger play - Pat a cake (smth they know well)
Homework check.
What toys do you like? How many toys do you have at home? Whats your favorite toy?
1. Знакомимся с эльфом Buddy. Look! Its our friend Buddy the Elf. He wants to take us to Secret Santa's toy factory! Can you hear a train soud? Lets go! (Строимся в паровозик и под звуки поезда едем на фабрику). 2. Welcome to the factory! Lets look what toys we can find here! (Флешкарты с игрушками развешаны по комнате, подходим по очереди, называем игрушку, дети повторяют, а на обратной стороне смотрим, кто же загадал эту игрушку в подарок - отрабатываем Luna wants a yo-yo for Christmas). 3. Drilling games (1-2). Поиграли, попрактиковали. 4. Listening. Elves need your help! All the toys were messed up, lets listen to Buddy and put the right toy to the right place? (Нужно приклеить правильную картинку с игрушкой к тому, что ее ждет - Tim wants a silver robot for Christmas). 5. Thank you for your help. Elves are very happy and want to sing a Christnas song with you! (Поем песню)
Did you like our visit to the factory? What toys did you like? What do you want for Christmas?
1. Review words (Workbook) 2. Sing a song