Monica Monica

A2 level


This is a lesson for preschoolers. Students study construction "I've got" as in form of possession. Story of the lesson: "Let's go to the zoo".


Abc Wild animals and pets flashcards
Abc gluesticks
Abc cotton
Abc paintbrushes, paint, watercups
Abc Coloring page picture of a cat for each student
Abc Different people pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of animals
  • To provide review of i have got construction in the context of pets

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency while taking about students' pets


Warmer/Lead-in (3-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

We listen to "Let's go to the zoo" song and video. Each student can get one animal or show this animal to another students and they need to guess it.

Revision (7-10 minutes) • To revise all animals we already know

Show different pictures of pets and wild animals. What sounds do they make? What's the difference between those two groups?

Lead in (8-10 minutes) • To present new construction "I have got"

"I really wanted a polar bear pet! But it's too big (TPR) and dangerous :( So my mom got me a cat pet. And now i HAVE GOT a pet cat. Have you got any pets, guys?" Here we write the names of students on the whiteboard and ask each students what kind of pets the have got. There absolutely would be several same answers so we can diversify that (he she it) uses verb HAS and (i, we, they, you) uses HAVE. We discuss them.

Productive Task(s) (7-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

"Our friends also have got pets. But they all ran away" Listening: Students are given different animals flashcards. The are flashcards of different people on the whiteboard. They are listening to the teacher. The teachers says: e.g. "Marie and Johnny have got a cat". The student who has a cat flashcard should come to the whiteboard and stick a cat to those people and say the sentence themselves

Conclusion and homework (craft) - if time (10 minutes)

"Hooray! All pet owners have got their pets! And all the pets have got their owners! I'm so happy i wanna give you a picture of my pet cat. Oopsie, my cat has got no fur on his picture, what happened?" Students stick with a gluestick and dye cotton on the picture of the cat. While they do it, a teacher is asking them about their work: what color of fur does their craft cat has got, has it got a friend/favourite toy/family etc.

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