Hande Akar Hande Akar

Can/Could/Be able to
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice using modals ''can/could/be able to'' accurately and fluently


Abc English File Intermediate Students' Book
Abc -ed/-ing adjectives
Abc How Emotional Are You?

Main Aims

  • To enable students to use modals ''can/could/be able to'' accurately and fluently

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion with their partners


Stage 1: Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students and create rapport

The teacher starts the lesson by greeting the class and ask them what their hobbies are. After getting answers, choose one of their hobbies that you can't do and then say -for example- ''I'd love to play the piano but I can't. I have tried to learn it, but I wasn't able to play.''. Then, ask if there is something they would love to be able to do. Get answers.

Stage 2: Drilling (4-5 minutes) • To practice sentence stress

After getting answer about the things they cannot do, model some sample santences and drill the sentence stress chorally and individually. They listen to exercise 2a to copy the rhythm and 2b as a substitution drill.

Stage 3: Speaking (5-6 minutes) • To develop speaking for fluency

As they mostly work with the same partner, change their partners. Say ''You are Green. You are Blue. You are Pink. You are White.'', then give clear instructions on finding their partner. They pick one piece of paper from the box so each pair has two pieces of paper and they talk about the statements and later give reasons on why they think so. Before they start discussing, give an example so they understand what they are going to do better.

Stage 4: Exposure (9-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a situation

The teacher asks the students what is the last movie they have seen and if they like it or not. Ask how they find and how they feel while they were watching it. Then, show a movie and make them guess. Tell them that you found it so boring and you were bored. Then draw a snake on the board and ask how they feel if they see a snake. Then, make more examples to help them infer the meaning and form.

Stage 5: Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

After making some examples, try to clarify and concept check the meaning and the form of adjectives by asking CCQs, but they need to discover themselves first. Then the teacher gives feedback.

Stage 6: Semi-Controlled Activity (6-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the target vocabulary

The teacher gives some papers on which there are some examples and they need to complete them with -ed and -ing. Then, they need to talk and discuss the questions. It's a competitive group work. There are some envelopes on the wall and they need to put these papers in the envelopes as fast as they can.

Stage 7: Controlled Activity (4-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the target vocabulary

Divide the class in half and give worksheer A to one half of the class and worksheet B to the other half. First they read the questions and answers, and choose the correct adjective. Students write one more question on it. They try to find out how emotional they are. Then ask if they agree or not.

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