Mаx Mаx

Cringe/Social media
B1-2 level


In this lesson students will learn new vocabulary connected to attention span, social media. They will practice speaking nd reading (this lesson was originally prepared by me for camp)


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about how to control your time online in the context of socil medi


Warmer/Lead-in (10-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

W-up: hello, how are you? Спросите что за тема дня, как они понимают слово кринж, в каких ситуациях они чаще всего кринжуют и тд Activity: список ситуаций, вы их зачитываете, и класс будет разделен на 2 части, студенты встают либо на сторону «кринж», либо «не кринж»: 1. You see a person you know in public, you say hi to them, but it’s actually a stranger 2. Your mom walks you to school until 11th grade 3. Someone tells you something, you didn’t hear it and you ask to repeat what they’ve just said, but you still can’t hear and just laugh and say «Yeah!» 4. When you're at a restaurant and your food arrives and the waiter says «Enjoy your meal!» and you say «You too!» 5. You have just met a person, but you realize you don’t remember their name 6. Standing there while two people talk about something you don't know about. 7. When you think someone waves at you so you wave back, but they were waving at someone behind you 8. Saying “hello” or “how are you” to somebody and getting 100% ignored. 9. When you say a funny joke but all you get is silence... 10. Being at a friend’s house and the friend's mother starts yelling at your friend.

Productive Task(s) (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Activity: Ss встают с мест и опрашивают как можно больше людей, спрашивают самую кринжовую ситуацию в жизни, записывают в воркшит, затем обязательно собираем с них фидбек Give out worksheets, read together so that they understand everything

Useful Language (25-25 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Спросите их откуда они вообще узнали слово «кринж» и где оно появилось В идеале должны сказать, что в social media, поболтайте с ними на тему соц сетей, пользуются ли они ими, как думают плохо ли они влияют на нас и тд Дальше проходим квиз, изучите способ подсчета очков, чтобы им объяснить если что Сразу после квиза идет текст как бороться с мультитаксингом и отвлечением от учебы и работы, перед тем, как читать текст разберите вокабуляр Текст: Five ways to take back control 1. Keep a time log for a week. For just one week, note start and end times for every study session and start and end time for each time you are on a social media site. A quick glance, even a second, at a social media site is considered a break. (You have to switch attention from learning to check VK/Telegram or send a message.) At the end of the week, total the amount of hours spent studying compared with hours spent on diversions. You might be shocked by how much attention-switching you are doing! 2. Reward yourself. Make the social media site a reward after no less than 50+ minutes of focused study. (And avoid having it running in the background.) Set clear boundaries between study time and connecting with friends. 3. Temporarily Deactivate Social media sites. There are free program downloads that you can use to temporarily block popular social media sites, addicting websites, online games and whatever else you want! Once started, it cannot be undone by the application or by restarting the computer; you must wait for the timer to run out. You can use it to help you concentrate while you work on your computer. Imagine how fast you could do your work without all those distractions! 4. Keep your computer and phone turned off and out of sight while studying. It is much easier to be distracted when your phone and computer are giving you auditory indicators that a friend is trying to reach you. If possible turn your computer and phone off, to aid in a higher level of concentration for longer periods of time. 5. Focus on the future. When you start to lose concentration, focus on how this hard work will not only benefit you in your short term future (grades), but for your long term future as well (dream career and lifestyle).

Productive Task(s) (10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

После текста идут задания, решите сами как будете их делать: в парах, по одному, все вместе Answer the following questions 1. Why should you keep track of the time you spend studying versus the time you spend on social media? 2. How can you use social media as a reward for studying, and for how long should you study before taking a break to check social media? 3. How can you stop yourself from getting distracted by websites and social media while studying? 4. Why is it important to keep electronic devices away while studying, and how can you avoid distractions from phones and computers? True or False? 1. Using social media as a reward after at least 50+ minutes of focused study is suggested, with clear boundaries between study time and socializing. (True) 2. Temporarily deactivating social media sites using program downloads that block distractions can’t help improve concentration and productivity. (False) 3. Keeping your computer and phone turned off and out of sight while studying can aid in maintaining focus for longer periods of time. (True) 4. Multitasking, such as studying while checking social media or watching TV, is an effective way to get more done in less time. (False)

Productive Task(s) + fun (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ask: are you good at drawing? do you cringe at your drawings? Скажите, что щас можно будет переложить вину на соседа, и просто сказать, что вам плохо объяснили, а не вы плохо рисуете ;) Activity: на пару раздается две разные картинки, по очереди им нужно описать свою картинку максимально точно, чтобы сосед смог ее нарисовать. Рисуем, ржем как получилось


Дайте им напутственное слово в конце: don't the kill the part of you that's cringe, kill the part of you that cringes

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