Benjamin Benjamin

Unit 1.2
Level 2 / Level 3 level


In this lesson students will practice and consolidate the past tense and relationship vocabulary


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of past simple

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of relationships


Warm-up (4-5 minutes) • Clarify the difference between regular and irregular past. Test their irregular knowledge

Write the following verbs on the board. Elicit form the students their past tense and if they are regular or not. walk (walked) like (liked) stop (stopped) try (tried) become (became) fall (fell) meet (met) get (got) go (went) Leave the words on the board.

Past tense storytelling (14-15 minutes) • Set context for the past tense

Using the storytelling document. Place the pictures in order on the WB Elicit that this is "gregory's" day. Elicit the verb for each picture. Tell the story in past tense eliciting the sentences. Cut up the sentences and add them to the picture as the WC elicits them. Once it's elicited, ask a few students to tell the story. Each time a student tells the story take away one of the sentences. In the end students can tell the story using only the pictures.

Past simple regular (10-11 minutes) • Consolidate the form, meaning, use of the past simple regular

Elicit from the Ss as much as possible Meaning: talk about finished actions in the past. Use a timeline to clarify Question form: Ask students to give examples so they can elicit the form. do(aux) is in the past + subject + v1 + ... Negative form: Ss give examples to elicit the form from du(aux) is in the past + subject + v1 We don't use did with negatives and questions with TO BE I wasn't very happy / I didn't be very happy

Past Simple Irregular (8-9 minutes) • Elicit question and negative forms

Elicit from the Ss as much as possible Meaning: talk about finished actions in the past. Use a timeline to clarify Question form: Ask students to give examples so they can elicit the form. do(aux) is in the past + subject + v1 + ... Negative form: Ss give examples to elicit the form from du(aux) is in the past + subject + v1 We don't use did with negatives and questions with TO BE

Past simple regular spelling (5-6 minutes) • Elicit the spelling rules

Using the same verbs from the warm-up we elicit the spelling rules: = +ed -e = d -y = ied consonant-vowel-consonant = double consonant + ed

Past Simple practice (5-5 minutes) • Practice and consolidate question, negative and past simple spelling

p.129 1.2 exercise A & B

Speaking (6-7 minutes) • Discuss and introduce the topic of relationships and love

Write the word love on the board. Ask students if the have a gf/bf. Continue as a class debate the questions on Speaking p. 10

Reading (10-10 minutes) • Practice reading and question type for quizzes.

Follow the reading on p.10 2A 2B 3 4

Vocabualry (10-10 minutes) • Elicit and consolidate relationship vocabulary

Follow the book p. 10 5A 5B Teachers book photocopiable p.145 Ask students to add this to their vocabulary notebook

Grammar consolidation • Consolidate the use, form and meaning of the past Simple

Follow the book 6A 6B 7A 7B Reinforce the -ed pronunciation with the handout

Speaking (12-13 minutes) • Past question forms

Follow the book, p.11 9A 9B

Writing (25-30 minutes) • Review paragraph writing and connectors in the context of past simple.

Elicit the meaning of the connecting words (and, so, but, because) Follow the book 10A, 10B Students write a paragraph about their important year. We will use Discussion Forums on Blackboard.

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