Kaley Kaley

Present continuous
Elementary level


Students learn about the Present Continuous Tense through visual demonstration and comparison with Present Simple and making a short story about a classmate. Lesson starts with TS talking about what they like/hate to do, what do they usually/sometimes/often do. After that through demonstration they realize with difference between PS and PC, get familiar with structure. SS play mime game, practicing questions, affirmative/negative forms. Finally, in pairs “question-answer” activity with making up a short story. Free practice with sharing information about a classmate and themselves.


Abc Hobby/activity pictures, my personal photos, students' photos
Abc food
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency when speaking about present contiuous actions through a conversation in the context of hobbies

Subsidiary Aims

  • to let SS get to know each other better, feel more confident and relaxed


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I name various activities and SS guess if I like or hate doing them and say why they think so. They also can say about themselves if they like/dislike doing this.

Revision (8-10 minutes) • To review hobby/activities vocabulary, PS use/structure

Check vocabulary as a competiion between teams (who write more vords on the board for 3 min : 3 colomns - 1 for each team, SS from each team 1 by 1). Check HW: the exercise where SS must have found and corrected mistakes related to the use of PS)

Lead in (5-7 minutes) • To introduce the meaning of the new TL grammar

ASk students to say about things they always do. Give an example: I have 2 kids, I get up early every moring, I don't like burgers. Then I can get out a burgure out of bag and start eating it. I say: "I don't like burgers, but for you guys and for the sake of Present continuous Today at about 19 pm I'm stading in front of you and i'am eating a burgure!"

Body (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language, prepare students for more meaningful practice

While I'm eating burger, i ask them: Do you eat/want/like burgers? (PS) Are you eating it right now? No, you are not. But I am, I'm eating it now though I don't like them. I elicit the difference between these two tenses from the SS. Then I hand out them their fake paper burger parts and they try to assemble their perfect PC burgure (structure , affirmative/negative/?/y-n/s?). Drill the structure with different examples. Oral training + new vocubulary + pronunciation (ing): my or any other interesting pictures with different actions. SS describe the pictures using PC. PW: SS have a picture where people are doing something, ask and answer questions: S1 points and asks: What is this person doing? S2 answers using PC If time: mime game - S1 draws out a card with a picture of activity and should show this activity. The other SS guess ans askr: Are you smoking? Are you driving? S1 gives short and full answers. Who guesses right draws out next card.

Conclusion (5-6 minutes) • to get feedback from students if they got the TL material, to breifly review the main points of the lesson

Write two sentenses on the board: 1 -PS (in blue: I cook borsch (every weekend)), 1 - PC (in red: I'm cooking borsch(righ now)) CCQ: - do these sentences mean the same? (No) - Which one is about usual everyday actions? (Blue) - Which one is about what we are doing right now? (red) - Where can I smell borsch? (red) - What are AV for the blue sentence (do, does) - What are AV for the red sentence (am/is/are) Nex lesson we are going to cook)))

HW (1-3 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Exercises in WB: put the verbs in the correct tense (to Be, PS, PC) Oral: record 10 voice messages to your teacher during a day describing what are you doing at this very moment. Optional (Watch a short video: write down all the cases of the PC use you can catch) SS read the HW tasks. ICQ (1-3 min): - What do you do with the verbs in brackets? - How many messages you must record? - What tense must you use for these voice messages?

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