Sara Alhakam Sara Alhakam

Food Groups
Lower Secondary, A2-B1 level


Abc IWB flip chart for the warmer activity
Abc IWB flip chart for discussion questions and answer key
Abc 3 sets of matching cards (nutrients and descriptions)
Abc Matching activity answer key
Abc Jigsaw reading sets
Abc Food groups worksheet
Abc 3 colored copies of the questions race sheet
Abc Food groups cards
Abc A5 paper for the warmer
Abc Nutrients cards
Abc Nutrients Crossword

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and describe the food groups and what they need to eat to get certain nutrients. They will also be more familiar with nutrients and understand their role in food.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students practice speaking about food groups and their benefits.
  • Students practice detailed and gist reading in the context of food groups.


Warmer - Guess the word (Stir) (5-6 minutes) • To review vocabulary from the previous lesson slots

T shows a flip chart of food items for 30 seconds. In pairs, students are given an A5 paper where they have to list as many food items as they can remember.

Pronuncation (5-6 minutes) • To practice pronouncing nutrients

Students stand in a circle. T gives any student a card with a nutrient name on it. The student says the word and passes it down to the next student who does the same thing and so on. When all the students say the first word, the T introduces another one.

Controlled practice (stir) (6-7 minutes) • To concept check

In teams of twos, students match the nutrients with the correct description. When each team is done, one student from each team goes around the room and checks the nutrients cards and the answers beneath them.

Jigsaw reading (settle) (13-14 minutes) • To practice speaking and summarizing

T divides class into three groups. T hands out the designated food groups to each group. The first group gets the first two food groups, the second group gets the second two food groups, and the third group get the last two food groups. All the food groups paragraphs have no headings. 1. T introduces the questions he/she wants the students to find from their two paragraphs. 2. Students get two minutes to read their paragraphs. 3. T gives another 2 minutes for each group to share their answers. 4. T counts off by threes to form new groups. 5. Students get three minutes to share the information they found from their paragraphs. 6. A new worksheet is given to the students with all six paragraphs. 7. With their new groups, students take 1 minute to gist read and match the food group to the correct paragraph. 8. T displays answers on the IWB.

Questions Race (stir) (9-10 minutes) • To revise what has been taught about food groups and nutrients

T divides the class into three groups. T explains to students that each group has an assigned color which corresponds to the paper they will be running to. Each group decides who is going to be the runner and who is going to be the writer. T demonstrates how the race should go and the rules that come with it. The runner goes to their paper and tears the first question and takes it back to his group. The group discusses the answer and scans the paragraphs if needed. The writer writes the final answer underneath the question. The runner takes it back to the teacher, and the teacher checks if it's correct. Only if it's correct, the runner goes back to the colored paper to get the second question, and so on. If the answer is incorrect, the runner takes it back to his group to change the answer until they get it right.

Additional Review (stir) (6-7 minutes) • To revise what has been taught about food groups and nutrients

In pairs, students are given a set of cards with names of the six food groups. T says asks a question and students has to raise the correct food group card. (e.g. Which food groups do you get calcium from? Students can raise dairy products, grains, or vegetables).

Flexi-stage: Nutrients crossword (5-6 minutes) • To revise nutrients vocabulary

T gives each student a crossword to revise the vocabulary. If the students aren't done, they can take it home as homework.

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