Lesson 4: Activity 1
A1-A2 level
Main Aims
To remind children of or to remind them of the traditional story, Jack and the Beanstalk and introduce themes in the course reader, Jim and the Beanstalk
Subsidiary Aims
Linguistic Aims: Listening to stories, drama, listening for specific details
My Learning Aim: By the end of my 40 minute section students will listen to and reconstruct the traditional story, sequence the main events and make a book of the story through colouring and drawing
Non Linguistic Aims: Working together
Procedure (24-40 minutes)
Show students beans and discuss how they grow. Show front cover of "Jim and the Beanstalk" and try to elicit details of the traditional story, the beanstalk, the giant, Jack etc.
Students listen to the story, teacher reads and questions students about predictions for the story, relations to own experience etc. Meaning is conveyed through hand gestures, showing objects pictures etc.
Students in groups of 3-4 attempt to reconstruct story from memory
Students listen to retelling of the story and adjust their cards. Teacher invites students to read out parts of the story.
Students are each given a section of the story to illustrate and colour. Sections of the story are stapled to make a class reader, and class can act out story reading from the creation.