Haunted hotel
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about ghosts in the context of haunted hotel
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of prepositions of place
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of prediction of the end of the story
Procedure (35-48 minutes)
- Show SS a picture of a ghost. - Try to elicit the word 'ghost'. - Ask SS if they believe in ghosts or not.
- In Ex1. , SS answer the question 'what can you see in the pictures?' (a ghost). - In pairs, SS match the words and pictures. - Check answers by asking 'where is the ghost in picture 1?'. - Model and drill the pronunciation.
- SS try to guess the topic by answering some questions about the hotel. - Elicit and teach the meaning of 'haunted hotel (a hotel where a ghost lives). - Give students time to read and choose the best heading. - Make sure that SS know the words (journalist- nervous- appear). - Give SS 5 minutes to read the text and answer the questions. - Check answers in pairs. - Give SS the AK. - In he next text, SS focus on the three pictures, read the text and label the pictures. - SS compare their answers and then check as a whole class. - Model and drill pronunciation. - SS re-read the text and make sure they understand any vocabulary (top floor - spooky - decided - have the light on - went to sleep). - In pairs, SS try to correct the information in sentences 1-7. - Check answers as a whole class.
- Ask SS if they still think the same about whether Stephen saw the ghost or not. - Give SS HO and ask them to predict the end of the story individually. - In groups, SS discuss their predictions to each other. - SS listen to the recording to check their predictions. - Discuss as a whole class.