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Daily Routines lesson
Beginner (A1) level


In this lesson, students learn about and review vocabulary related with daily routines (i.e get up, go to bed, go to sleep etc.) and telling the time, and practice using these words accurately in conversation. They start the lesson with a test where the teacher playacts to elicit the collocation words from the students. Then the teacher teaches and clarifies any words that are unknown or create problems for the students. Then they do another test matching the pictures of a person's daily routine activities with the collocations, and telling the time. This is followed by a controlled-practice exercise filling the text with the collocation words. They finish the lesson by practicing writing questions with the collocations and asking their partners about them. If time allows, they will also play Chinese whispers game using the collocations and telling time.


Abc Match the pictures exercise
Abc Gap-fill exercise

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of daily routine words in the context of day-to-day life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation about daily routines in the context of day-to-day life


Testing 1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge prior knowledge of the daily routine collocations

The teacher will stick the daily routine collocations she will review on the whiteboard, in the order that she will do the acting to elicit them from the students, but in a closed way, the blank side of the papers up. She will then write on the board ''On a Typical Day'' as the main title and under it ''What do I do?''. She then tells the students ''Watch me and guess''. Demonstration: She acts as if she is sleeping and ask students ''WHat do I do?'' students are expected to say ''Sleep''. Then she acts as if she just woke up and students are expected to say ''wake up, get up etc''. In this way, the teacher will try to elicit from the students as many words as she can from the list of collocations. The words they cannot guess correctly will be turned up on the whiteboard to be taught and/or reviewed and drilled afterwards.

Teach (5-6 minutes) • To clarify daily routine collocations where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Teacher will go over the collocations, review the meaning and pronunciation. Clarify the difference between ''wake up and get up'' or ''go home and get home'' or any other unknown words. Model and drill

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Teacher will give the students pictures showing a person's daily routines, and ask the students to work in pairs to match the pictures with the collocations. FB and error check on the board. After that, she will ask the students to work in pairs to write and tell the time on each picture. FB and error correction as needed.

Controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Teacher asks the students to complete a text using the collocations. FB and error check

Freer practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

Teacher will distribute a survey form with different questions that require students to answer using the collocations and telling the time (i.e: What time do you get up every morning? What time do you eat breakfast? What time do you leave home? What time do you start work? What time do you eat lunch? etc.) They will first answer the questions themselves and fill out the form, then they will mingle to ask their classmates the same questions and find someone who do those activities at the same time with them. ICQ: ''Are you asking questions?'' (Yes) How many questions are you asking? ''(All of them) Who are you talking to?'' (everyone) During each of these activities, they will be encouraged to ask their questions, and to give answers using full and complete sentences (i.e, say ''I get up at 7:30'', not only 7:30)

If time allows activity - Chinese Whispers game (6-7 minutes) • To further practice TL playing a game

Teacher will divide the students into two groups, and line them up with one person with a board marker in her hand from each team. Then she shows a sentence (or tells a sentence, depending on students' ability and level) to the students at the head of the line, and students try to whisper the sentence correctly to their teammates until the person with the marker can write the sentence on the board. The game can be made even more difficult by requiring the person with the marker not only to write the correct sentence, but aso to draw the time on a clock.

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