Arzu Topal Arzu Topal

TP2 - Grammar - Future plans
Intermediate - B2 level


In this lesson students will learn about the use of future verb forms. The present continuous, 'be going to' and 'will' in the context of holidays. This is a lesson which follows on from the textbook and the exercises listed there.


Abc text 1 + Q
Abc text 2
Abc Questions
Abc Q2
Abc Q2

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of future verb forms in the context of travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travel


Test (1-2 minutes) • To test students' knowledge in identifying future verbs

Ask students to underline the future verbs in the given text. Hand out text. Give 1 min to complete task. Display text on board. Elicit answers from ss. highlight future verbs on board.

Test (2-3 minutes) • To test students' knowledge in identifying the differences in future verbs

Ask students to focus on the verb forms they highlighted and answer the questions in pairs. Hand out the questions. Give students 1-2 mins. If there are early finishers hand out the 2nd prepared text(text 2). Elicit answers from ss(make sure everybody has a turn). You may use CCQ's Did you decide this in the past? Have you made a decision?

Summary (3-5 minutes) • To summarise the different verb forms

Draw the summary table on pg 69 of the teachers book on the board(with new sentences) Maybe she'll purchase the tickets today. She's going to purchase the tickets today. She's purchasing the tickets today. Only write the example sentences, elicit the answers certain, not certain, arrangements made, arrangements not made, from the students. Which sentence shows that Focus on common errors with the following CCQ's CCQ's What does the 'll stand for in she'll? Is it more common to use she'll or she will? for the sentence(going to): How would you read going to? (gonna) What's wrong with the following sentence? She's gonna to purchase the tickets today?

Controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • To help students practice choosing where to use the different types of future verb forms.

Students will read a text and choose the best verb forms from the given two. Hand out text. Give ss 2min. Ss work individually then peer check. Have the text ready on the board. Select one student to come up to the board and circle a correct answer, he/she then chooses another student to come up and circle another answer, etc until all the answers are circled. Students check that they all agree on the answers.

Semi-controlled practice (7-10 minutes) • To help students' practice writing sentences in the different types of future forms

inform ss they will be writing sentences for the three different future verb forms they saw earlier. They will be given a question and answer accordingly. You might need to write some phrases on the board which could be used as guidance. Ss work in pairs. I will ….. I'm going to...... I already...... Hand out the task. Students who finish early could be asked to think of other possible answers to the questions. Get ss to read out their answers, write the sentences which would need correction/reformulation on the board.

Freer practice (8-10 minutes) • To help students practice their speaking skills in the topic of future events

Students get up and mingle while asking each other “Are you doing anything special tomorrow/this evening/this weekend?” Monitor and note down language which could be used for delayed feedback later.

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