Wendy Wendy

Past Continuous
a2 level


In this lessons students learn how to use past contunuous in their speech. The lesson starts with the discussion about the weather and different activities that they can do at this time. Then there is an analizing tenses that students have already known and guessing the new tense for them. This is followed by teacher's story-presentation about a trip to lake Baikal in past continuous. Then there is an analyzing the sentences from the presentation and making a rule. Finally, there are some controlled practises throught filling the gaps with "was" and "were", adding "ing" to verbs, putting words in order and free practice in the form of pair speaking about one of the students' day in past continuous. In the end of the lesson there is concept checking questions and homework.


Abc CCQ questions
Abc PowerPoint presentation
Abc "weather" questions
Abc put in order
Abc Continue the sentence

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Past Continuous tense in the context of everyday activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of Past Continuous tense in the context of everyday activities


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • To engage students

Small talk in the begining of the lesson via "weather" questions: e.g.what is the weather today? was it slippery on your way to school? what are you going to do during you walk between lessons? etc

Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • The set the context of the lesson

Teacher: You know, on Thursday the weather was also very good. Your class teacher and I went to lake Baikal. Do you want to look at some of our photos? Students: yeeees!!! Teacher: I have a small task for your before this. Could you tell me what grammar tenses you've already known? Students: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple Teacher: ok, you've completed my task. Here are our photos and a small story.

Exposure (2-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I show children a presentation about my trip to lake Baikal with one of their teachers. All sentences are in past continuous. During the presentation children discribe pictures one by one in Past Simple and I show them the same sentences, but in past continuous. The aim is here that children start using past continuous to the end of the presentation.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Then in the presentation there is a list of all sentences that were used. Student's task is to alanyze them and tell me what links all the sentences.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

We make the rule of using Past Continuous. Students help me and put the theory down. I give them the opportunity to make their own sentences.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

There are task where students should put words in order to make a sentence in past continuous and put "was" and "were" according to the subject. Pair checking, duscussing problematic places.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Every student pulls out a piece of paper when the begining of a sentence. The task is to continue.

Free Practice (8-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The work in pairs. A pair chooses a day what they are going to talk about. They share their activities using Past Continuous. The task is to find the same activities through a conversation (at least 3). Then students present what they have found.

Conclusion (2-3 minutes) • To check the understanding of using Past Continuous

CCQ questions about Past Continuous: Past Continuous is for short action? (No) for long one Do we use a verb in the 2nd from? (No) Do we use a verb with ing ending? (Yes) Should we use am, is, are? (No) Should we use was and were? (yes) Can I use was for you? (No) Can I use were for he? (no)

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