Nataliya Demchuk Nataliya Demchuk

Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will review and practice the use of comparatives and superlatives in the context of advertisement


Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have reviewed and practised comparatives and superlatives in the context of advertisement

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have practised listening for details and speaking in the given context


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Since the topic of the lesson has already been set by the previous teacher, there is no need to make a big lead-in. The teacher starts the lesson by asking students about different advertisements - how often do we see or hear or read advertisements? Where do we usually see advertisements? What kinds of advertisements do we usually see? Do we follow the commercials? Do we get help from them when we are going to buy something? How do we know which product is better? We start comparing goods or products. While talking to the class, the teacher shows different goods, like books or phones.

Grammar (8-10 minutes) • To revise the grammar material through guided discovery in the context of commercial advertisements

The teacher tells students to watch three short videos and to listen how the products are compared. Then the teacher shows two or three videos to students. After that the teacher asks students about the advertised products - what they are, are they as good as the other products of this kind, how do we know that they are better. The teacher talks about the products in the commercials and guides students to elicit the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives - good, better, the best, longer, more tempting, more tasty, the tastiest, the most tender. The teachers does CCQS. As soon as the students tell the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives, the teacher writes them down on WB and makes the students to elicit the rules of forming the comparative and superlative forms. The teacher points also to the three exception words, which must be memorised - good, bad, much/many.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher gives students hand-outs with a table and list of words. Working individually, students have to write the correct forms of the given adjectives. Then they check it with their partner in pairs. For the FB, the teacher nominates one students from each pair to write one word on WB. Open class feedback and corrections, if needed.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The teacher gives students hand-outs and tells students to fill in the gaps with the given words in brackets, using the correct positive or negative comparative or superlative forms. Students complete the task individually, then check in pairs, after that open class feedback and corrections where needed.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To prepare and engage students into the next free practice activity

The teacher tells students that we are going to play a game now, but before that they will watch the commercial videos again. By doing this, students get tuned into the practice activity following after these stage.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher gives students handout with pairs of words. The teacher nominates each of the student A or B. Then the teacher explains that now they will split into two groups and in produce commercials of the products given by teacher. Students can use words from the handouts. When groups are ready, they present it to each other. Open class feedback

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