masoud masoud

TP 7
Intermediate (B1) level


In this lesson Ss will take a look ate their abilities, in both the past and present. And they will learn how to talk about these abilities using modals, "can" and "could" , the adjective "able" and the verb "manage". They will follow this up by more pair work speaking activities, gap-fill and mingling group work. By the end of this lesson Ss are expected to be able to talk about their abilities using the appropriate modal, adjective and verb.


Abc Read Sentences part 5,Unit 7.2 Page 84,Speak out Intermediate. Clare. A,
Abc Gap-fill hand out, part 6. Page 84, Speak out Intermediate. Clare. A,
Abc Google pictures
Abc Speaking part 7, page 84
Abc LANGUAGE-BANK 7.2 p 140- 141 Speak out Intermediate. Clare. A,

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the modals can and could, the adjective able and the verb manage in the context of present and past abilities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a controlled speaking in the context of present and past abilitiesc
  • To provide scan and deduction reading practice using a text about different peoples' abilities in the context of present and past abilities


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T uses groups of 3 or 4 (depending on the number of attendance) T tells the Ss that they are going to be shown some pictures. They have 1 minuet to guess the context of the lesson and what the lesson will be all about. T tells the Ss that the winner group will be given a prize to motivate the Ss. T has already brought chocolate to the class. T asks the Ss for their guesses. T confirms that the lesson is about abilities in the past and present. T gives the winner group their prize.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To expose the students to the target language and use the students ability to deduce the language in focus

T shows the students HOs T puts the students in pairs of two. T tells the Ss that they have 2 minuets to find out the mistakes in the text. T tells the Ss that the one who finishes first will be given prizes. ICQs the Ss' if they can speak Turkish while doing the activity. The answer is; NO. T gives the Ss the HOs. T monitors, but does not get involved. T gives the Ss the answers in FB. and tells the Ss to check their answers.

Exposure and clarification (12-15 minutes) • To get the students to discover the difference in the form when in past and present

T shows the Ss the HO. T tells the Ss that they have 3 minuets to find out if the sentences are about a past ability or a present. Ss give their answers in groups of two. T monitors closely. In FB T gives them the answer key. T asks: which group has done it all correctly? T checks for the meaning and form by asking CCQs: when I say could, am I talking about now or the past? Past When I say I was able to; am I talking about now or the past? the past. T uses the grammar boxes on page 140 to give the Ss the form. T personalizes the process by asking different Ss to complete each box.

Practice the grammar (12-15 minutes) • To provide the students with a challenging gap-fill reading task and to prepare students for speaking stage

T shows the students the Picture of Derek Paravacini,and he gives brief information about him by asking the students questions like; does he play the piano? how can he play the piano when he is blind? T tells the Ss they have 3 minuets to individually fill the gaps with the appropriate word from the box. he also mentions the box to clarify. T monitors the process. The Ss check their answers in pairs. T gives the Ss the answer key. T regroups the Ss in two groups, sitting in opposite sides of the class; A and B T now asks the Ss to read the extract again but in a different fashion: group A finds out the abilities related to the past and group B reads the abilities related to the present. T asks the students to find a partner in the other group to tell them about what they have collected about Derek's life.

Freer practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

T introduces the activity by showing the Ss sticking the pictures of the different abilities on the WB. T gives the Ss 30 seconds to think about their memories and to prepare themselves. T then shows the students the chart he has prepared with the names of the activities and the columns entitled; the past, present and the additional information. T demonstrates the activity for clearer instructions. T asks the Ss to stand up and mingle around to find someone has/had the ability to do those things. Ss mingle and ask one another the questions and fill out their forms. T monitors and helps with the question forms. T asks 4 random people to report back in FB.

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