A comparison of two cities
A2 level
Main Aims
To provide students preview and practice in using comparatives through a writing exercise in the context of comparing two different cities
Subsidiary Aims
To provide students review and practice in useful vocabulary and provide accuracy through a writing exercise in the context of comparing two cities
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
- Ask students where they come from. Ask the students particularly from outside Istanbul about their cities and towns. Ask students how big, expensive, green, crowded, old, etc. - Try to elicit words such as 'bigger, smaller, more expensive, less expensive, greener, more crowded, older' from the classroom or from the student who talks about his/her town. - Write the comparatives that students say on WB.
- Introduce the phrases 'I advise', 'I recommend', and 'I suggest' to the class. Explain the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the phrases. - Drill the pronunciation of the words individually. - Draw a scale on WB to explain the strength level of the words 'advise,' 'recommend,' and 'suggest.' Give examples, and write them on WB. If possible, try to elicit examples from the classroom. - Drill the pronunciation of the phrases (e.g. I advise you to do x) using backchaining method. - Then introduce students to Netherlands and life in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Put pictures of Amsterdam and Rotterdam on WB and more descriptive pictures under them. You can also stick them next to WB on the wall. Stick or write on WB information about the cities according to the descriptive pictures. - Exemplify the usage of 'advise,' 'recommend,' and 'suggest' while talking about the cities. Try to elicit the adjectives to use with the cities from the students. Write the sentences on WB.
- Group the students. Give each group a letter template (jigsaw version) written for a friend. Tell students to put jigsaw pieces in the right order. - Write the order of the sentences on WB. Try to elicit what the sentences might mean, show the usage on WB.
- Tell students that they will need to fill the letter template with useful information and turn it into a proper letter for a friend. Tell students to be convincing, tell them that their friend would want to visit Bodrum or Kemer after reading their letter. - Tell each group that they will stick their letters on the wall after they have written. Tell them on which wall to stick their letter after they finish, and give them the HOs of Bodrum and Kemer with useful keywords about the places.
- Ask students to get up and read the letters on the walls. Tell them to pick the most convincing letter other than the letter they prepared. - Give prize for the winner group. - Take notes of the mistakes in the letters after the letters are on the walls, and write them on WB and elicit the corrections from the classroom.