Sara Alhakam Sara Alhakam

Shapes and colours lesson
Primary Starter/Mover level


In this lesson, shapes and colours are introduced. The lesson starts with an elicitation of the shapes. This is followed by a matching activity on the IWB where learners match the shapes with their corresponding shape names. Then, learners are given a chance to review shapes through a dictation activity where learners draw their own shapes. Colours are then introduced similarly with an elicitation of colour names. Learners are then taken to a more complex level where they give statements about shapes including their size and colour. The lesson continues with completing their dictation activity by colouring in their shapes. Finally, learners make their own covers for the board game introduced in lesson three.


Abc Shape cards
Abc Coloured crayons/pencils
Abc The children's game boards from Lesson Three
Abc A4 paper for each child
Abc Blu-Tack
Abc Three sets of small word cards
Abc Three sheets of shapes table
Abc IWB flipchart

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will become more confident and fluent in using colours and size-adjectives to describe shapes

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening in the form of a dictation activity in the context of shapes, colours, and sizes
  • To provide learners with a writing practice on lexical items that include shapes, colours, and sizes


Shape introduction (stir) (5-6 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of shapes

Ask the students to sit in a circle. Show them a circle. Elicit the shape 'circle' and drill. Place the circle on the floor. Tell the students to touch both their ears and have them touch the circle whenever it is said. Show them a square. Elicit the shape and drill. Place beside the circle. The students repeat the process with the rectangle and the triangle.

Shape words recognition (stir) (4-5 minutes) • To introduce the TL

Place the shapes in differents parts of the room. Write the names of the shapes on one side of the board. Ask each students to find two shapes and come up to the board to place their shape under the corresponding shape name. Demonstrate by asking the students to help with placing two shapes. When the activity is done, elicit small and big and how they are used with shapes.

Semi-controlled practice (settle) (4-5 minutes) • Check students' use of shapes

Give students an A4 paper each and ask them to draw the shape as they are called out. Ask the students to draw a big square/ small triangle/ small circle/ big rectangle. Have the students write the words under each shape. Display the correct shapes and spellings on the IWB for the students to check.

Freer practice (settle) (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of shapes

Ask students to put their A4 paper face down. The paper should be divided into two parts. Tell each student to pick two shapes. The shapes they draw have to be different from the ones dictated to them in the previous stage. When they are done, ask them to write the size and the shape under each one of them. Circulate and check. ALTERNATIVE TASK: Draw a two shapes and draw items that have the same shapes. Example: circle - pizza

Colour Elicitation (4-5 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of colours

Ask the students to sit in a circle. Hold up each shape and ask students about the colour. Elicit "it is blue". Respond by saying "Yes, it is a blue triangle". Drill the two words together. Do the same thing for the other shapes. Drill for pronunciation.

Adjectives with shapes introduction (stir) (5-6 minutes) • To introduce the TL

In the circle, hold up a shape and give a statement. If the statement is true, students repeat the statement. If the statement is not true, students remain silent. Demonstrate the first one as an example. Hold up a small orange circle and say "a big orange circle". Students have to remain silent. Ask students ICQs: If the sentence is true, are you going to repeat? If the sentence is not true, are you going to repeat?

Controlled practice (stir) (3-4 minutes) • Check students' use of adjectives to describe shapes

Ask students to go back to their groups. In groups of three's, give each group a set of colour and shape word cards, and a paper with two columns. One column with 10 pictures of colored shapes, and the other column is blank. For each of the picture, students have to find the corresponding colour word card and shape word card and place it next to the picture. Display answer on the IWB and ask students to check.

Controlled practice - Word order race (stir) (8-10 minutes) • To review word order

Before starting the race, demonstrate by asking for three volunteers and giving each one of them a card (cards: green, small, triangle). Ask the three students to stand in the correct order in front of the class. If the volunteers have a difficult time arranging themselves, ask the rest of the class to help them. Do another example to help prepare for the race. Assign each student number 1, 2 or 3 by going around the room and counting off. Divide the class into three teams using the three numbers. Ask each team to line-up sideways and have all three teams form a U shape. Place a set of 15 cards in front of each group. Do the first round as an example. Show a picture of a small blue triangle on the board. Ask the students to find the corresponding words from the cards in front of them, and stand in the correct order (size+colour+shape). The first team to stand in the correct order is the winner. Show 15 more pictures. The team that has the most points is the winner.

Revision (settle) (5-6 minutes) • To revise what has been taught

Give each student a copy of the board game cover. Point at different shapes and elicit the names. Ask the students to try and remember what the title of the story was and have them write it in the big rectangle. Give the students a couple of minutes to draw the tortoise on the top of the hill and colour it grey. Ask the students "What colour is the sky?" and allow them to colour it blue.

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