Upper-Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide deduction, specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about poem about a journey in the context of travel
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation or exchange in the context of journeys and travel
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
As a warmer, I will write the following quotes on the board. "Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer." and "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey." I will ask students to think about the quotes for a moment and then give me their thoughts and opinions on the meanings of the quotes. Do they have similar meanings? If there is not much interaction or we need to fill the time a bit, I can tell a bit about my own perception of the meaning in my life.
As a pre-listening task, students will be exposed to some of the language that may be unfamiliar or that needs to be reviewed in the form of a matching exercise followed by a gap-fill activity. Students will check their answers with a partner. I will monitor to make sure that there is a general level of overall understanding, helping any students who seem lost or confused.
Students will watch/listen to the video of the poem Ithaca by C.P. Cavafy, narrated by Sean Connery. They will listen for specific information in the poem by filling in the blanks, correctly completing the lines in the poem as heard in the audio.
Students will now find a partner to form a team and and work together to see if they have all the answers right. The idea is that this is a race! I will stand at the front of the room only checking to see if the answers are correct, sending the students with any incorrect answers back to work on their worksheet. The first team to complete all of the activities are the champions!
After a discussion about the meaning of the poem and the opinions of the students, they will be asked to complete a reflection task based on the target language in the poem that was looked at. Students will each get a template of a blank postcard, on which they are to write a postcard to themselves 20 years from now. In the message, they will express their wishes or hopes for their own life's journey.