Billie Chamberlain Billie Chamberlain

Reading comprehension
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson, students practice reading for gist and for specific information using a passage from the textbook. They also learn new vocabulary which they use in a controlled practice exercise. Lastly, students practice using the TL through a freer practice activity where they have to interview their classmates to find one person who shares similar views to their own.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detail reading practice using a text about giving up TV in the context of love-hate relationships

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of words used in figurative language in the context of emotions
  • To provide fluency speaking practice using a set of questions that would help SS reflect about their feelings towards TV and other types of Media.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show SS a set of pictures showing a man showing feelings towards his TV set. I will ask SS: 1. How important is television to you? "Very or not very important" 2. How many hours of TV do you watch a day? "zero to 10 hours" 3. Do you consider yourself addicted to the TV? "yes-no" 4. Do you know someone who is addicted to TV? "yes-no" 5. Have you heard any of the following words to describe a TV set? "yes-no" tube, small screen, box, boob tube, telly, goggle-box, baby-sitter, idiot box. 6. Have you ever had feelings of love and hate at the same time? "yes-no" 7. What type of things do you love and hate? "The metro: Love because it is fast and convenient. Hate because it is crowded and dirty"

Pre-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To pre-teach the vocabulary words SS will see in the text

I will group SS based on height. The tallest SS will be paired with the shortest SS. I will have a set of words and a set of definitions written on strips of paper. I will ask each group to give a name to their team. I will write the team names on the WB. I will give each group a set of definitions and a set of words. SS have to match the words with the definitions. Whoever finishes first has to shout "stop". The group that wins has to have correct definitions. A prize will be given to the winning team. I will provide an answer key at the end of the activity.

While-Reading # 1 (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

I will write the gist question on the WB. I will ask SS to read the text quickly without focusing on understanding every single word they see. The goal is to be able to answer the general question they see on the WB. SS are not timed for this task but I will be monitoring SS and will move on when I see that most SS have finished reading. I will ask SS to compare their answers with a partner. I will give WC FB.

While-Reading #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

I will ask SS to read the text again but this time they look for specific information. I will give the "reading for gist" handout. SS have 10 minutes to complete this activity. SS must work individually. Once they finish they have to check for answers with their partner. I will give WC FB.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to practice the vocabulary learned in a speaking activity

Teacher asks SS to get up and find a partner. The aim of the exercise is to find someone who shares similar views on the topic questions. They have to interview at least 3 classmates before they decide who has more similar views to their own. SS must use the following set of questions: Do you think the writer will ever give up TV totally? Should he give it up? Why? Do you think people generally watch too much TV? Are people devouring social media nowadays? Will you ever fall out of love with Facebook? Do you think WhatsApp needs a break from you?

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