Teaching practice 6
Elementary level

Main Aims
The main aim of this lesson is to practice listening for gist as well as specific information.
Subsidiary Aims
The sub aim is speaking. Students are encouraged to speak about places they would love to travel to.
Procedure (35-45 minutes)
Before he starts his lesson, T greets students and creates rapport with them. He elicits couple words using realia. First he shows students money, then a passport, a camera, then a map, then a suitcase. The order of these tends to be from easy to difficult. After he shows them these items, the teacher asks students what do we usually need them. Students will most probably utter the word travelling or travel. After the teacher elicits the first word which tends to be easy, he asks the students what do we call these things. He tries to elicit the phrase travel essentials. If they can't think of it, the teacher will go ahead and tell them.
The teacher sets the task in a clear way by telling students that they are going to listen to a recording where two speakers are talking about their holidays in Canada and that they need to put the photos in exercise one in the order they hear. It's important that the teacher points out that there is one extra photo. After the recording is finished, students check with their partners and then the teacher gets their feedback.
Students will listen to the recording for a second time but this time with a different task in mind. Students need to listen and tick the information they hear in exercise 2.There are exactly twelve words and expressions and students will need to listen carefully to tick the right ones. Once done, they are encouraged to check with their partners then the teacher asks some volunteers to come to the board to write their answers to help other students to to correct their mistakes.
The teacher uses OHP to display some phrases. He then chooses some phrases and tries to elicit their meaning. He clarifies the meaning and form of the chosen phrases or words then does some drilling to help students with pronunciation. Once all the selected vocabulary items are covered, the teacher moves to the next stage of the lesson.
By this stage, students will have worked enough on their listening skills. Therefore, students are encouraged to work on one of their productive skills, speaking. To do so, the teacher asks them to talk to their partners about their last holiday using some of the phrases the teacher have selected for them. Students are encouraged to use as many as they could. After they are done, the teacher asks some pairs to share their stories with the rest of the class to help them feel more courageous to speak in front of other people.
After working on their receptive skills, it is always appropriate to include some productive skills in the lesson. My last activity is a free one which works on both skills listening and speaking. This is mainly because students will work in pairs, one students talking and the other listening and vice versa. The teacher will stick some pictures of places that are believed to be the most favourite tourists' destinations. Students will be then asked to pick one destination that they would love to travel to and talk to their partner about why they would love to go there. After they are done, students are encouraged to share their feedback with the rest of the class. At the end of the lesson, the teacher thanks the students and allow them to have a 10 minutes break.