matthew kaplan matthew kaplan

upper int level


In this lesson students will learn about functional language for informal negotiations with spacial consideration of conditionals used in negotiations,


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for Informal negotiations with special consideration of conditionals in the context of house chores, car repairs and office meetings

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a informal negotiations


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will share the slide with photos of situations that involve informal negotiations. I will have students discuss what they see in the pictures. We will work our way to an understanding that these are negotiations. CCQs will be used to be sure students know what a negotiation is. CCQs: Do negotiations involve more than one person? yes. Do all the people want the same thing? no. Do they try to find an agreeable solution? yes

Listening Text, Gist and Intensive (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Gist: Students will be shared the next slide with photos of roommate discussing chores and a car mechanic talking to a customer. They will read two questions to think about while listening to two conversations: Who is speaking in the first (second) conversation? What does each person want? Students will listen to the conversations and share their thoughts. Intensive: Students will be introduced to the next slide. They will be given instructions to listen to conversations again, but this time they will be filling in the gaps of sentences with phrases they hear in the recording. They will each be assigned a slide. Upon Completion we will share answers to gather. Answers Key: 1. is there a problem with that 2. does that 3. an exception 4. happy with that 5. bring it down 6. do you ... about that 7. along with that Upon completion we will check together and clarify any disagreements

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: Students will be introduced to the next slide. Here we will work together to categorize TL into a table broken down in to 4 columns. 1. Suggestions and offers 2. clarification Qs 3. Adjustments 4. acceptance or non acceptance. Form: Students will be introduced to the next slide with deals with the form of offers and suggestions using the conditional. Here students will work as a group to match two halves of sentences together in order to complete the conditional phrases used to suggest offers. They will also be asked to identify the modal(conditional) verbs, i.e. could, would and might. Pronunciation: Students will be introduced to the next slide. Here they will listen to the pronunciation of three conditional offers. They will be asked to retake notice of the stressed words being content words that hold the majority of the sentences meaning. They will listen and repeat each sentence.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will a google form with the students in which they will complete the gap fill of three informal negotiations using TL prompts pñrovisded in a box for them to choose from. They will do this in pairs in BORs for 3 mins. Upon completion were will review and clarify any disagreements on answers. Answer Key: 1. is there a problem with that? 2. What if I were to 3. provided 4. if we could 5. did you have in mind 6. supposing we 7. that sounds 8. it depends what you mean 9. ill have to ask

Free Practice (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

In this stage I will share the Doc for free practice. Students will be introduced to the situation and assigned a partner. They will take a a minute to read through their roles interests and then go to BORs with their partner and negotiate a meeting schedule. There will be table with TL they can refer to help form their arguments and concessions. I will monitor the BORs and give DEC after the fact for common errors heard.

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