aysen aysen

Assessed TP-6
Upper Intermediate level


This lesson starts with a discussion about some people' submitted quotations online about their childhood memory. Followed by the controlled practice matching the quotations with 5 senses and also writing a quote about one of their childhood memory. To develop their receptive skills Ss will read for specific information and read again for comprehension. The lesson will end with a discussion about one of Ss' vivid food taste experience.


V3vlbsutsssv2ugaqdh8 chilhood memories Matching Memory Quotes with 5 Senses
Abc "Now here, now there"

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss practice to develop their receptive skills -reading for specific information and detailed reading while scanning in the context of an extract from a food writer's blog Molly Wizenberg.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss semi-controlled writing practice to develop accuracy


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Tell Ss 3 of your childhood memories such as first pulled out tooth, selling egg yolks to your older sister and eating rumble from a wall but warn them in the beginning that one of them is false. Ss can ask up to 6 further questions to decide which memory is false. At the end Ss vote for the false one while raising their hands.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through matching some childhood memory quotes with 5 senses.

Introduce that as part of an online project about memory, people were asked to submit their earliest memories in the internet. Give instructions to Ss to read some of the submitted quotes and have them discuss with their partner in pair which ones... -make you smile / make you feel sad? -tell you something about the person? -make you think of a similar memory? Give the HO (childhood memory quotes) to Ss and tell them planned time for this activity is 5-6 minutes. Ss read and answer the 3 questions through this controlled practice. Help them with any difficult vocabulary like crawl (a stage which babies go through before learning to walk), /krawl/ dungarees (kind of coarse cloth specifically: blue denim) /dəŋ-gə-ˈri:/, faucet (a device for controlling the water flow) kitchen faucet, bathroom faucet /fɒsət/ Monitor-pay attention to any interesting point for FB. Take some general feedback.

Useful Language (5-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Tell students match the quotations to 5 senses given in the box. Ask "Do the writer make you see, feel, taste, hear with the things they describe?" Given time time for this activity is 5-6 minutes. Example: hearing:listening to my parents.. sight:watching rain fall..standing in my grandmother's dining room..watching potatoes.. smell:the dirt smelling like clay.. taste:warm milk..eating a worm..trying to wash marker off.. touch: crawling alone..taking a bath..being on the beach..a bee stinging me.. Have Ss compare their answer with another pair. Get the FB.

Productive Task(s) (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills through semi-controlled practice

Write gerund form of the 5 senses on WB. Touching.. Listening to.. Smelling.. Looking at.. Eating/Drinking.. Tell Ss to write a quote about one of their childhood memory by using one of these beginnings by individually. Monitor and pick up on any points of interest for the WC. Split them into a group of four and have them choose the funniest one.

Pre-reading (4-6 minutes) • skimming for specific information

Ask Ss to close their eyes and to picture in their minds a favourite dish that they can remember from their childhood days. Ask if this was a dish that they liked or really hated. Introduce the text; this text is an extract from a food writer's (Molly Wizenberg) blog about a vivid memory of eating oysters, first as a child and as an adult. Write on WB; 1)Was the childhood experience positive or negative? Negative 2)What experience did she have 25 years later? She tried to eat them again and with more success. Check Ss' understanding on oyster and choke with by asking a couple of questions to some of the Ss; Do you like oyster? Do you feel like choking while eating any kind of food? Then tell Ss to read and answer the 2 questions and compare their answers in pairs before the feedback..

While Reading (5-8 minutes) • To provide a practice for comprehensive reading

Ss reread the text again more closely and make notes on the HO 2 This exercise checks for the comprehension and prepares Ss for the grammar section. Ss compare their notes with a partner. Monitor and get FB.

Post-reading (5-8 minutes) • To provide a practice in speaking for fluency

At the end of the class, have Ss to talk about their personal food tasting experiences especially seafood or fish or any other strong-tasting food in groups. Such as sushi, sashimi.. If there is enough time, have Ss play "Am I telling the truth"game.

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