Tuğba Tuğba

Teaching Practice 5
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn how to use can/can't to talk about abilities. They will first fill in a survey about themselves. Then, they will do some controlled practice with gap filling exercises. This will be followed by semi-controlled and freer speaking activities in which students have to listen to dialogues and from similar dialogues themselves.


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Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice in can/can't to express abilities in the context of languages

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students practice in listening for specific information and speaking for accuracy


Presentation (7-8 minutes) • To set the context and present the target language

T comes to class and greets the students. She tells them that she is their English teacher and this is her super power. She tells Ss that "I can speak English very well, I can read books in English but I can't speak French. She uses her body language while she talks about her abilities. She writes "I can speak English very well but I can't speak French. T asks Ss CCQs like "which word we use when we talk about things that are not our superpowers" and which word we use when we talk about things that are not our superpowers" Then, T tells students that she wants to find about their abilities. T asks students to fill in the survey about themselves using can/can't. After Ss answer and check with pairs, T asks Ss to come to the board and fill the gaps. Then, T asks Ss how we can turn this sentence into a question about one of the sentences in the activity. Then, T elicits answers.

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with opportunity to practice the target language

T focuses Ss to the text they did earlier with the previous teacher. T tells them to look at the text and fiil in the gaps using can/can't according to the text. T models the first exercise and then asks Ss to work with their pairs. T shows the questions to Ss from OHP. Then, T nominates different Ss to come to the board and write the answers. T asks the class questions like "Is it true?" and if it's not, "why not?" After that, T tells Ss to look at Exercise 3 in which they have to look at the pictures and decide whether the people in the pictures can do or can't do things. T asks Ss to write the sentences in pairs and then take feedback from the class on the WB.

Pronunciation (4-5 minutes) • To make Ss familiar with the pronunciation of the target language

T plays the recording in which Ss can hear the pronunciation of can/can't in two sentences: 1) It can translate. 2) It can't translate. After Ss listen, T drills the sentences for a couple of times. Then, T plays another recording and decide whether it says can or can't and circle the correct answer. After Ss listen, T asks them to check with their pairs. And T gets whole class FB, asking students which word they circled for each sentence.

Semi-controlled Practice (3-4 minutes) • To make Ss practice speaking in the target language in a less controlled activity

T pairs students as Student A and Student B. Then, she gives different handouts to A's and B's. In the handouts there are pictures of different activities. Using the pictures, Ss will ask their partners questions like Can you swim? or Can you cook?. They will act out the dialogues while T monitors them.

listening for gist (3-4 minutes) • To make Ss to listen for gist and to prepare them for the production

T plays the recording in Speaking Part 1 in page 53 in which there are two situations students need to match with pictures. After T plays the recording 2 times, she gives Ss the tapescript and asks them to check their answers in pairs. Then, T takes whole class feedback from the students.

Preparation (2-3 minutes) • To focus Ss on the useful language part which they will use in the writing activity

T asks Ss what the speakers say when they want someone to repeat a sentence. T tells Ss to look at the tapescript and tell. T elicits answers such as "Excuse me, can you repeat that please?, Excuse me, can you speak more slowly please? T asks what is the answer for this question and then elicits the answer "Of course, I'm sorry". Here, T tries to make Ss familiarize with the language they will use in the writing activity.

Writing & Speaking (6-8 minutes) • To make Ss practice the target language

T focuses Ss attention on the picture in Speaking Exercise 3 and asks them what they can see. T elicits answers such as man, woman, asking for directions and etc. Then, T asks Ss to write a similar dialogue just like the ones they have listened earlier about the picture using the expressions they have learned. T pairs Ss and tells them they have 5 minutes to finish the task. After Ss have finished, T nominates different pairs and asks them to act out their dialogue.

Delayed Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback and error correction to students on the use of the target language

If there is time, T writes some errors on the board that students have made during the act out stage and asks Ss to have a look at the sentences and tell her what is wrong with those sentences.

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