AslihanSengun AslihanSengun

TP 5
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will learn about passive voice through guided discovery approach. After T sets the context, Ss will find the examples of the passive sentences in the text by looking at the active sentences. After they find passive samples, Ss will try to find the meaning and the rule of passive sentences by answering some questions. Then Ss are supposed to do some controlled and semi-controlled activities to practice TL. At the last stage, Ss will complete a task in which they can speak using passive sentences.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of passive voice in the context of newspaper entries

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about news in brief in the context of crime news and speaking practice for fluency in the context of newspaper entries


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

As the context of the lesson has already been set in the previous session, the context is aimed to remain same till the end of the lesson. So T writes 'My diamond necklace was stolen.' on WB without quotation marks. T pretends like her diamond necklace was really stolen. Then T puts quotation marks and explains that the sentence from a newspaper page. T asks Ss: 'Is it clear who stole the necklace?'.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T explains that in some sentences we can't find the doer (agent) of the action. T wants Ss read the text quickly to find at least four examples of these kind of sentences in pairs. Ss have two minutes to find the sentences. In their pairs, Ss find sentences and T wants each pair to read out some sentences.T asks other Ss whether they agree or disagree about the example. While Ss read T writes some of the example on WB. T explains that these are passive sentences. When Ss read each sentence, T asks some clarification questions like: 'Who did this? Is the agent clear?.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T shows Ss some examples of active sentences and wants Ss to find passive version of these sentences in the text. Ss are given four active sentences and they have to look at only the related paragraphs (1,5,6). Ss have two minutes and they work in pairs. After they finish, they check their answers with other students. Teacher writes the answers on WB.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

After Ss find the passive form of the given sentences, T gives Ss some questions on the handout and wants them to answer these questions in their pairs. Ss are supposed to tick the correct sentences. They have 2 minutes to discuss and tick the sentences. After they finish, they check their answers with other pairs. Then T wants Ss to open the answer key at the bottom of the page. T wants Ss to look at the both active and passive sentences and want them to compare sentences by asking some CCQs about meaning: Who did the action? Somebody. Is the does of the action is important? Generally no. If we doesn't mention the doer, does the action change? No. What is important in this sentence, action or subject? Action. Is the emphasis on the action? Yes. Does the sentence sound more natural without an agent? Yes. Then T wants Ss to look at the form of the sentences.T elicits the form by marking agent and verb. T marks auxiliary and V3 form. T asks CCQs: 'Is the action in present? No. Is it in the past? Yes. What is the verb form? V3. Which one is the auxiliary? Was. T also place sentence stress in approppriate places and drill sentences.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Before T explains next activity, she changes the pairs by giving Ss papers different shapes on them. T wants Ss to find their pairs by looking for the same shape of their own papers and sit next to him/her.. Then T explains the next activity. Ss are supposed to change active sentences in their handouts into passives. There are 6 sentences and Ss have 3 minutes to complete the task. Ss work in pairs to change sentences into passives. After they finish, they check their answers with other pairs. Then T wants Ss to check their answers from the key. If Ss need, T elicits the form of the sentences on WB.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T explains the next activity. Ss will be given two papers on which some information are missing. Ss are supposed to sit back to back and, ask and answer questions to fill in the gaps in their own papers. Ss have 4 minutes to complete the task. After they finish, T gives them answer key to check their answers.

Free Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T sticks three pictures on WB and explains that they are from an art page of a newspaper. There are some information about the pictures under them. In groups of three, Ss choose a picture and talk about these picture to their friends using the information about them. They have 4 minutes. Ss can express other things than the given information. T monitors Ss closely and takes notes of errors. When Ss finish T writes the errors on WB and corrects the sentences with Ss. As homework, Ss can write a newspaper entry for a film, sculpture, book or another picture.

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