masoud masoud

TP 5
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn a set of phrasal verbs through a reading extract in the context of living on a tight budget(e.g. Survive on, look out for,give up, save up and etc). The students will read and learn about the ways "Kath" got on by only a pound a day, they will have a discussion about Kath's way to save money, and will proceed by sharing their own personal experience.


Abc English Unlimited_Int_U 6.1 reading
Abc English Unlimited_Int_U 6.1 Matching activity
Abc English Unlimited_Int_U 6.1 Gapfill

Main Aims

  • To provide gist,scan and detailed reading practice using a text about saving money in the context of Kath experience of living on a pound a day

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Kath's cheap lifestyle
  • To provide clarification and practice of phrasal verbs in the context of living cheaply


Review/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To review the previous lesson and to set the context for the lesson and engage students

Ask the students what they can remember about Kath and the ways she saved her money. write them on the WB. Ask the students which of the ways she actually used to save money and which ones are strange.

Pre-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Tell the students they are going to read the rest of the article to check if their answers were correct Ask ICQs for sts understanding. Ss read the article on the HO. Ss check their answers in pairs. Take w/c FB.

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging specific information reading tasks

Tell Ss they are going to read the text again to find the answers to the questions in part 1. Show them the HOs and Do ICQs : are you going to read first? no Are you going to read the questions first? yes. Give out the HOs. Ss read the questions and then the text. Ss work alone to answer the questions. Monitor the process and help if necessary. Ss check their answers in pairs Refer the Ss to the back of the page where the answer key is.

While-Reading #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging detailed reading task

Ask the Ss why they think Kath Kelly hitchhiked. Tell them there must be a reason for what she did. Show them the HO and tell them, these are what she did to save money Tell the students they are going to read the text again to find out the reason why she did all that in part 2. Give out the HO. ICQ Ss read the article to find the reasons. Monitor and help if needed. Number the students according to their attendance. pair them with the same number. ask them to hold the question HO and ask and answer the questions. Ss peer check their answers.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ss will get back to their places with the old partners. Ask the Ss if they can enjoy a lifestyle like Kath's. Write the question in partv 3 on the WB and get the Ss to discuss the question. Monitor and help if needed. w/c FB.

Post-Reading #2 (5-8 minutes) • To provide clarification and practice of the phrasal verbs used in the text

Tell the Ss these are some of what Kath did. Show them the slips on which the sentence halves and phrasal verbs are written Give them instructions ICQ Give each student a slip and ask them to find the other half which is in one of their classmates hands. Ss mingle to find the match. T writes the numbers 1 to six on the WB. Whoever finds the answer picks a marker and writes their sentence half and their partner completes it. Tell the students that they are going to put the phrasal verbs in sentences. Show the HO.ICQ Ss fill the gaps with the new verbs.

(5-7 minutes) • Fluency speaking practice

Tell them to ask and answer the same questions in their pairs. Ss ask and answer the questions in part 5 monitor and take notes. Write down some major mistakes for FB. Elicit the correct form.

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