Teaching Practice 2
Elementary level
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson students will have practiced/developed their skills of listening for gist and details in the context of daily routines.
Subsidiary Aims
By the end of the lesson students will have reviewed and practiced collocations related to daily routines.
Procedure (36-46 minutes)
I will ask students what time it is now and write it on the board. Then I will play a video on how to tell the time. The second half of the video contains some questions students should answer. Then students tell their partners a few things they do every day using the time.
I will ask students to read the text heading "The cross-border commuter" and look at the photo on page 23. I will ask them what they think the text is about. Then students read the text to see if they were right. Then students work together to check what the text is about before the feedback.
I will have students to guess in pairs what they think is different about Laura's day in London and her day in Barcelona. They can make a few notes and I will write them on the board to refer to them in the listening for gist stage.
I will play the audio in the "Reading and Listening" track1.46 and have students check how many of their guesses were right. Then we have whole class feedback.
I will point to the timetable on p. 22 that indicates Laura's British day and Spanish day. I will play the audio again, and students can complete the times. Then they check answers with their partners.
I will write on the board gapped phrases with 'go', 'have', and 'get' and ask students to complete them. Then I will ask to do exercise 1 in the vocabulary section in which students complete the table with words that collocate with 'go', 'have', and 'get'.
I will give each student a handout with pictures of daily routines. They should choose the pictures which illustrate the activities they do in a typical day and indicate when they do each activity by drawing the hands on the clock in each picture they have chosen. After that students exchange HOs and take it in turns to describe their partner's pictures and describe their partner's day. Next, they change partners and describe their previous partner's typical day to a new partner. Finally, I will highlight some language chunks on the board to do correction and reformulation.