Evgeniy Kalashnikov Evgeniy Kalashnikov

Infinitive Patterns (Parties)
Pre-Intermediate A2 level


In this lesson students learn about verb patterns with infinitives through guided discovery based on reading a text which is a magazine article about how to survive at any kind of gathering when you don't know anyone (a party, for example). The lesson starts with 'picture grouping' where previous grammar (degrees of comparison of adjectives) is revised and the context is introduced. This is followed by a 'running reading' activity where students read the text and fill in the gaps with verbs. Then there is a semi-controlled activity where students in pairs finish sentences with a suitable infinitive and then there is a free-controlled practice activity.


Abc Prezi (during the lesson)
Abc Music Video for the 'party'
Abc HO 1
Abc HO 2
Abc pictures for grouping
Abc question cards for the party
Abc board
Abc projector
Abc some decorations

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the infinitive of the verb in the context of a real-life situation (gatherings, parties)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide language focus reading using a text about advice how to survive at a party in the context of a magazine article


Warmer+Lead-in (6-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students+grouping

(Prezi Slide 1 as a background) Start your lesson with a warm-up activity. First, explain that they are going to be given a picture but pictures are different. They can't show it to anybody. Everyone come up to another person and together they describe their pictures to each other. If they think that they have the same pictures, they go to find the next person with the same picture. In a team there must be 4 people. Distribute the pictures and ask ICQs to check if students understood the task: T.: What must you do? T.: How many people must you find? T.: What can't you do? When they have finished the activity, ask groups to take their seats. Show the three pictures and ask the following questions (Prezi Slide 2): T.: What can you see in the pictures? What are the people doing? T.: Are all the people happy? T.: Why is the girl standing aside at the party? T.: Has it ever happened to you that you arrive at the party but you don't know anyone there? What do you do in this situation?

Exposure (9-9 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

Explain that now they are going to read an article from a magazine which gives more advice on how to survive at a party when you don't know anybody. Elicit what 'survive' means ('to stay alive despite an injury, illness, war'; 'to continue to exist, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation'; but here it is 'to manage to deal with something difficult or unpleasant') (Give a typical situation about a plane crash: Just eight passengers survived the plane crash. Ask them if we speak about a crash in our case or just a difficult situation). Distribute the text (HO 1) and elicit the task. Before reading the text, ask them to read the verb and elicit what 'escape' means (' to get away from a place where you are in danger' or 'to get away from a very unpleasant situation'). Then let them work individually. After that let them check the answers in groups. Conduct feedback: 2. to meet 3. to ask 4. to start 5. not to dominate 6. to talk 7. to listen 8. to give 9. to talk 10. to escape 11. to get 12. to go

Discovery of the target language (8-8 minutes) • To highlight the TL and clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of it

T.: What verb form did you put in the text? Show them the task (Prezi Slide 3) and explain it: T.: Read the text once again and pay attention to the infinitives. Say if the statements are true or false. If the statement is true, find examples in the text. Let them work in groups. Check understanding of the task: T.: What must you do with the statements? (say if they true or false) T.: What must you if the statement is true? (find examples) Conduct feedback. On the board write examples of adjectives and verbs (for statements 1,2) after which infinitives are used. Answers: 1. True (need, would like, try, help, want) 2. True (easy) 3. True

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T.: What do people usually talk about at parties (when they don't know each other)? T.: Now we are going to read a conversation of two people at a party. They don't know each other. You will work in pairs. One student is A, the other is B. Student A starts and guesses what infinitive is missing, while student B listens and checks if students A is right. Student A has answers for student B, and student B has got answers for student A. If your partner guesses incorrectly, say 'try again' until he/she gets right'. + positive infinitive - negative infinitive Distribute HO 2 and ask ICQs. It is better to distribute the exercise with the task written in the handout before explaining to save time (students will read the task themselves, so you could only ask ICQs) Conduct feedback: (see the HO for answers)

Free Practice (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ask students about the dialogue they have read. T.: What phrases did the speaker use to introduce themselves? T.: How did they finish their conversation? (lead them to the idea of using polite phrases for greeting each other, saying goodbye) Explain that now you are going to have a language school party. T.: You are going to talk in pairs. On the walls you see questions that you are going to discuss in pairs as if you were at a party and you don't know anyone. What must you do?introduce) T.:What do we usually have at parties? (music) T.: So, while the music is playing you are discussing your questions, when the music finishes you move to other questions and find another partner. Ask ICQs to check if students understood the activity: T.: Do you know each other at a party? (no) T.: What must you do in pairs? (introduce ourselves and discuss the questions) T. When are you discussing the questions? (when the music is playing T.: What must you do when the music finishes? (change partners and move to other qiestions) After the activity conduct some feedback and do some board error correction

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