Discourse: Text Patterns
Upper Inermediate level
Main Aims
Recognize different text patterns in different contexts
Subsidiary Aims
Identify lexical items used in different text patterns
Procedure (16-40 minutes)
Ask the following question/s about text patterns: - Can you think of the types of information that texts give us? [e.g. description, reasons, similarities, differences]
Display sentences that exemplify text patterns and ask ss to match them. Instructions: ICQs:
Display texts and ask students to recognize the text pattern. Ask how they know this is the pattern e.g. what words make you think this is this pattern? Instructions: ICQs:
Students are asked to identify the lexical items manifesting text patterns in general and focusing on cause and effect in particular in texts. The meaning is discussed with them. Instructions: ICQs:
If there is time, students will be invited to discuss topics using the lexical items they distinguished in the lesson. Instructions: ICQs: