willjgregg willjgregg

TP 4
Beginners level


In this lesson, students will practice reading and listening in the context of free time activities. After the context has been established, students will be given some vocabulary and begin a reading exercises about various free time activities. Students will then read for more specific language, especially collocations between verbs and nouns in the realm of activities: i.e., play a sport, read a book, take a lesson. Finally, students will listen for key vocabulary off of a recording.


Abc Chelsea Community Center

Main Aims

  • To exercise student's reading and listening skills, especially the sub-skills of skimming and scanning.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To teach nouns and verbs relating to activities we do in our free time and the collocations between the two.


Lead-in (8 minutes) • To engage students in the context.

To start with, the board is arranged so there is a diagram: least favorite :( --5----4------3----2----1-- most favorite :) There are also five labeled pictures on the board representing reading, watching a movie, shopping, English class, and going to a restaurant. 1) Point to the favorite and least favorite sections of the board, gesturing to describe each. 2) Point to a picture, show that you kind of like it, and stick the 3 next to it. 3) Pointing to another, stick the 1 next to it. DO the same for 5 ICQ: Pointing to the 5, "Do I like it?" 4) To each student hand out 5 numbered pieces of paper. Invite them to come up to the board and order their favorites. 5) Participate in the activity with the students. FB: Pick out some of the numbers and ask students why they like or don't like the activity. Elicit the word "activities by pointing" to the pictures. Elicit the word "free time": Pointing to the board, "activities at work?" No. Draw a diagram depicting work and sleep. Point to the space in between. Elicit the word or, if that fails, say it.

Initial Reading (10 minutes) • Encourage students to scan the text.

1) Pre-teach vocab: community and centre. 2) Tell students that this is a list of activities for the town of Chelsea."You live in Chelsea. You have free time." 3) "[Student], do like to dance? (Either circle dance or ask another question) 4) WC: "What would you like to do? Read the activities. Pick two. Three minutes." 5) Hand out text. FB: ask a few of the students what they chose. Encourage them to explain why using "because."

Verb Underlining (5 minutes) • Students skim the text for detail: in this case, the use of verbs.

1) Write up a sentence from the text on the board. Underline the verb and ask for the part of speech. 2) Ask students to find another verb. 3) Write the direction, "underline the verb" on the board. 4) "Three minutes, underline verbs."

Verb Meaning Check (5 minutes) • Students work in pairs to identify the meaning of verbs.

1) Model the worksheet. 2) Do one example. "Partners. Match the verb with the picture." 3) Hand out the worksheet, one per pair. FB: Answer Key. WC discussion of "like + _____ing."

Board Grab for Verb Practice (12 minutes) • To give students practice using verbs in a group after identifying them individually.

Two groups of students are each given a bundle of words. Running up to the board, students will pull down a sentence with a word missing. Of the words in the bundle, students choose the one that best completes the sentence. Having chosen a word, one student runs up to the board and tacks the selected word where the sentence used to be. Student then grabs next sentence on the board and repeats until the activity is complete. Demo: 1) One student is given a three words which the whole class can see. 2) Reveal the first sentence to the class. 3) Ask the whole class, "which word?" 4) Ask student to tack the chosen word to the board. 5) Ask student to grab the next sentence and show it to the class. 6) Repeat 4&5. 7) "Two groups. Race." 8) ICQ: Miming, "take more than one?" No. "Fast or slow?" Fast. 9) Hand out materials. FB: Whole class answer check. Dwell on collocations.

Listening Exercise Pt. 1 (4 minutes) • This detail-listening exercise gives students practice sussing out vocabulary in context.

Pre-teach morning and evening. 1) Hand out the worksheet. 2) Students are familiar with this kind of exercise. "Listen, mark the words." ICQ: Pause after the first word, making sure that there is no confusion. FB: Partner check.

Listening Exercise Pt 2 (7 minutes) • This detail-listening exercise gives students practice sussing out vocabulary in context.

1) WB example: "Hello, Chadwick / Chelsea community centre?" 2) Play tape to demonstrate further if necessary. ICQ: This should be pretty clear, but it's always possible to explain again before the second listen.

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