Elementary level
In this lesson I'm going to teach adults 4 new fruits their pronunciation and MFU
Main Aims
To provide clarification of Fruit
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Food and fruit
Procedure (7-10 minutes)
Lead in (1-2 minutes) • To just lead in
Ask them questions about favourite fruits
Watching video (1-2 minutes) • To create context
With a video of fruits I will creat context
Method (3-4 minutes) • Clarify the words meaning, use, form
Because the words are concrete I will show them the real fruits and then play them the pronoun with speaker After each for I will get a ccq
Game (2-2 minutes) • To make class more fun and learn use of the words
Make them teams and Give them 30 seconds to write sentences with the word that they learned as much as they can. Let one of them read their teammates sentences
Web site designed by: Nikue