Lütfü Ekşioğlu Lütfü Ekşioğlu

CPD - Increasing STT
A2 level


In this lesson, students will learn about different jobs and how people spend their day doing these different jobs. Main focus of the lesson will be reading task regarding "Job Swap" and role play of the students acting that they swap their future jobs with their partners using the present continuous tense.


Abc Language Hub A2 Book

Main Aims

  • Students will be able to utilize the present simple and present continuous tenses to talk about what people do in different jobs and describe temporary situations.
  • Students will be able to harmonize their future jobs and current topic in order to role play with their partners.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will improve their listening comprehension and reading skills through contextual activities about job roles.
  • Students will express their opinions about different jobs and practice discussing whether they would like to try various roles.


Warm-Up (4-5 minutes) • To introduce the topic and engage students in the theme of jobs.

T asks students to think of three jobs they know and briefly discuss them in pairs. Then ask the class: "What jobs do you know? Which job would you like to try for a day?" (Listening Part, Act. A)

Listening Task (15-16 minutes) • To practice listening for gist and specific information.

Teacher initiates the Act. B (Listening for Gist): Play the audio for the listening section and have students listen to the announcement. Ask them to choose the correct answer from a, b, or c. After that, teacher starts with Act. C (Listening for Specific Information): Play the audio again and ask students to complete the sentences about the competition. After the recording and answers, teacher can review answers with the class and clarify any confusing points.

Reading Task (15-16 minutes) • To develop reading skills, focusing on job descriptions.

Teacher will start Act. A. by having students read the social media posts on the right side of the page (Job Swap competition) and match the jobs with the people. After that, teacher will start Act. B (Reading for Gist) by asking the students, "Are Bryony, Lee, and Adal enjoying their job swap?" Let students discuss this in pairs. Finally, teacher will end with Task C (Reading for Specific Information). Students answer questions about each job post to understand more details in pairs.

Vocabulary Practice (10-11 minutes) • To practice using present time expressions in sentences.

Teacher will have students complete the vocabulary part Act. A: identifying and underlining present time expressions in the text, like "every day," "this week," and "at the moment.". Later on, students will practice these phrases with controlled Act. B and free practice Act. C.

Role Play (12-14 minutes) • To practice the present continuous tense by discussing activities in a "future job swap" scenario.

Teacher will pair up students and assign each a “swapped” future job (e.g., mechanical engineer becomes software engineer) Teacher will explain the scenario: Students will act as if they’re working in each other’s future jobs for the day. For this activity, students can given 2 minutes prep time to note down possible activities they will do in their future job. After the prep time, students will change notes and start their role play as their friend's future job. They can utilize phrases like: "I usually work as a [job], but today I’m working as a [swapped role]." "Right now, I’m [specific task related to the swapped role]."

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