Souad Alsayed Souad Alsayed

Big events lesson
upper-intermediate level


In this lesson , Ss learn how to read for specific information and for details. Ss learn new vocabulary and their pronunciation. first there will be a conversation about Turkish unusual festivals, then Ss read a text about big events around the world.They scan to get some specific information then they read again to check their answers about some details. there will be a miming activity so Ss will try to figure out the words and pronounce them. as a feedback, students will talk about festival they would like to go or avoid and give reasons.


Abc Text handout
Abc (ex 1 and 2) handout
Abc pictures
Abc ( ex 3 and 4) handout
Abc Vocabulary cards

Main Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about festivals in the context of food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and pronunciation of some adjectives and phrase verbs.


warmer (3-5 minutes) • To engage students.

Show Ss pictures of some Turkish festivals. Ask them if they know these festivals and where they are held. Ask CCQs . Are these usual festivals? Where and when does each festival take place? which festivals involve food? have you been to one of these festivals?

Lean-In (4-6 minutes) • To introduce to lesson and make the context clear

Show Ss the text and tell the instructions. Ask them to read the titles of each paragraph and look at the pictures. Put them in pairs to discuss and answer the questions in (ex 1a). Tell them not to read the text. ask ICQs if necessary. collect the answers as a whole class . Ask if anyone has heard of these festivals.

Pre-reading (4-7 minutes) • To practice the scan reading skill.

For (ex 1b). put Ss in pairs. Ask Ss to read the question first, then give them (1) minute to scan the text and search for answers. Tell Ss that scanning is used to search for specific information in the text. ( names, dates, ..). Check answers as a whole class

Reading for details. (10-12 minutes) • To get Ss to focus on the information given in the text.

For ( ex 2a/b), Put Ss in groups. Ask them to read the sentences. Ask them to predict the meaning of the words in bold, then decide which festival these customs are associated with. Give them (5) mins to read the text again and check their answers. Elicit the answers as a whole class.

Vocabulary (6-8 minutes) • To introduce new words and practice their pronunciation.

For (ex 3), Put Ss in pairs. Tell Ss that guessing meaning from context will help them increase reading speed and that is not always necessary to be 100 present correct. Ask them to go to the lines mentioned beside each word to get its meaning and choose the correct definition. Say the words and ask Ss to repeat after you. Ask Ss to turn their HO over and look at you. To check answers, Show the definition of the words to the student and mime the words. Ss try to guess the word and repeat it (choral drill).

Speaking (5-7 minutes) • To get Ss to practice the things they read in the text.

Put Ss into groups. Give Ss five minutes to discuss the questions in (ex 4) . Walk round the class helping with Vocabulary if necessary. For feedback, ask a few students to tell the class which food/dish they would like to try.

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