rena rena

Grammar( there is and there are)
Elementary level


In this lesson SS are going to be grouped in four to learn new vocabularies using CCQ in different ways using flashcards, miming, drawing, role playing and defining. Then T will show SS the white house' picture and hand them some pieces of ICQ to answer them as group work. Then T will start the first task activity which is going to be listening only to order the sentences. The next listening task will focus on numbers and their nouns. SS will start the grammar part by Seeing a house image in order to discover what is there, how many, and have a quick review about the vocabularies. T will practice the structure by playing a whole class game. later on SS will be grouped again as the beginning of the lesson. T will draw circles on the floor and ask SS to be grouped in them and start making questions to each other's groups.


Abc google images flashcards
Abc straightforward student's book
Abc Gap-Fill handout
Abc Handout

Main Aims

  • focusing on the target language there is, there are and how many.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with new vocabularies that are used in the same context


Warmer/Lead-in (9-11 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher is going to lead in her class by acting as if she is too sick and can't speak in order to encourage them to use their English. T will start by good morning and how are you. Next T will divide the class into groups depending on their number, groups will be colors only then they will be named after some imprtant words in the text. T will show Obama's photo to elicit the word 'president'. T starts miming where he lives 'palace'. what is inside his palace 'staircases' it can be by drawing. While describing palace and staircases T will role play the word build. Then T will mime using the White House' photo if she can go there or it must be a public visit. If T were there what would they call her , a president or a visitor. what kind of visits it could be ' public visit'. T asks SS if anyone can go there, sure not so it is an 'official' place. T will stand in the center of the class and ask SS about her place. SS will say that she is 'in the center'. T will write these vocabularies on the board with the stress over them.

Pre-Reading/Listening (3-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Before starting the listening task, t'll assure SS' understanding by showing a colored copy of the white house. T will use ICQ about it accompanied with the new vocabularies and start focusing on grammar a little bit. T will hand each group two questions and give them chance to think about the answers as GW. T will assure SS that they will not correct their information by listening, on the other hand they will only order the sentences correctly.

While-Listening (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information iistening tasks

T will hand SS the second HO and ask them not to look at it until they start listening. T will tell SS that they have to answer the questions while listening.Then each group will give his answer and get points in his jar.

While-Listening #2 (3-4 minutes) • To receive the language and be exposed to it more.

The final listening task of the day will be done with listening carefully and concentrating on the numbers. T will ask SS to pay attention to the numbers and their nouns.Then SS will be able to answer correctly. t asks SS are we going to catch everything we hear? SS say no. What are we going to focus on? numbers and nouns.

Post-Listening/ grammar (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

As a post listening task. t will show SS a house and ask SS about it using the grammatical structure that she needs. How many floors, lamps, sofas, chairs ...etc. T will practice the structure with SS with objects from the class.ex, there.... a projector. there isn't a tv. SS will make a big circle and start throwing the ball to each other and say there is a board the next s will say there is a board and a chair, the third S will say there is a board, a chair a table and a computer....etc. Now T will be able to practice the exercises with SS using the projector and as a GW again.

Grammar game (3-4 minutes)

SS will be handed the last HO to make their own sentences working in pairs, Using 'how many questions'. T gives an example before starting the exercise. e.x students/ class today. using her fingers first, how many, next, students, then are there, finally in the class today.

feedback (7-8 minutes)

As a feedback SS will stand in circles as they were grouped at the beginning of the lesson. In this game T will say the instructions as the following: first t will draw the circles on the floor , second T will group SS again as they were from the beginning of the lesson, Third T will set 20 seconds timing for each group to answer the other group questions. T will give an example, how many heads are there in your group? SS say there are seven heads. Then, this group will ask the other one the same questions. SS will get points in their jar for correct answers and good timing.

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