Polina Polina

Functional Language Expressing Doubt TP4
Upper Intermediate B2 level


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for expressing doubts in the context of popular superstitions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about expressing doubts in the context of famous places and superstitions


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I put some pictures of famous places in St. Petersburg that are connected with different superstitions and ask Ss whether they know these places, tried their luck, were there any positive outcomes? Check in pairs, class feedback.

Lead-in gist reading (2-3 minutes) • To set up the context of the following listening task

I distribute HO1 with the pictures of the youth fountain and a japanese statue and ask Ss to read the text for 30 seconds. Gist task question: what is so special about these two objects?

Lead-in gist listening (3-5 minutes) • To set up the context of the following target language

Ss listen to tracks 1.58, 1.59 once. The gist question is: What are the attitudes of the speakers towards the two places? Elicit ATTITUDES. ICQ: Are we going to listen ABOUT these places? - no Should we listen to what they THINK about these places? - yes In both conversations, one of the speakers is very cynical and questioning of the positive effects of these places, the other is more open-minded about it. Elicit answers, class feedback.

Listening for detail (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with some practice in listening for detail

I distribute HO2 and ask the Ss to tick the arguments that the speakers express. ICQ: Do you tick the real arguments of the speakers? Yes. Is there only one argument? No (not necessarily). Conversation 1: 2,3 Conversation 2: 5,6 Compare your answers in pairs, class feedback.

Functional Language Focus (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

I distribute HO3 and ask to put the words in the box in the right sentences. Check in pairs, class feedback as a listening check with the focus on meaning ("when I say Oh, come on! - do I believe you? Am I doubtful?) and INTONATION. Drill some of the phrases with exaggerated mimic. 1. Oh, come on, it's nonsence. 2. Do you really think water can make you look younger? 3. Sorry, but I find that a bit hard to believe. 4. Let's face it, you could say that about any spring or fountain. 5. I doubt it somehow. 6. It's unlikely to do any good either.

OPTIONAL drill of ''really" (2-3 minutes) • To provide some intonation drill in the context of different functions and meanings of a singel word

I write on the board the word "really" and ask the Ss what can it mean? Elicit different intonations and meanings. Probable outcome: interest, surprise, doubt. Listening to 1.61 as a class feedback.

Productive Task (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target functional language

I regroup the students in the groups of 3-3-2 and ask them to draw a picture about horoscopes, Feng Shui, reincarnation and palmistry. Do you believe in those things? Why/not? Class feedback.

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