Elementary level

Main Aims
By the end of the lesson SS will be able to understand an average conversation at an information desk practicing their receptive listening skill
Subsidiary Aims
By the end of the lesson SS will also be able to have a conversation with an information desk practicing their productive speaking skill, using some specific vocabulary
Procedure (31-51 minutes)
After greeting the SS, showing a big excitment I will tell them that today we are going to do my favourite activity: travelling! I will ask them to "fasten their seat belts" before to show them the picture of a map which can barely be recognized, since it deals with a specific area of a city. But which city? I will let the class speak about their ideas in a WC discussion until they find out that we are in London. I will then tell them that we are going to a more specific place which I will introduce by showing them some pictures of my visit in 2012 and a short video working as a kind of virtual visit. I would probably mention the place name, Tate modern, without saying the word "museum" but trying to elicit it from the SS. (see Language Analysis)
I will then give SS the first HO with a short text about Tate Modern. They are going to read it silently and answer the question "What is Tate modern?" discussing in pairs both what they have just read and what they have learnt from the visit and the pictures showed before which are working as a kind of schemata.
I will have a quick feedback with the WC adding some impressions from my visit in the museum and introducing the next speaking task
In fact the next task is asking more personal questions, whether SS like modern art and if there are some famous museums in their town/city. This activity will be directly connected to the eventual final ball game. SS will answer the questions in pairs. I will then ask the student another question: "Is there a modern art museum in Istanbul?" whether they know about the existence of Istanbul modern or not, I will show them some pictures with the OHP to be compared with the Tate modern ones.
This new HO will deal with ordinal numbers. In order to justify the task I will first show them the diagram of Tate modern which will be used in the next one, only to elicit them the word "floor" (which was recently used in a lesson about houses) and show them that floors need to be counted with ordinal numbers, like school years, music charts, sport ranking lists. I will the board to help me if necessary. I will then let them match the ordinal numbers with their written form.
I will make the SS quickly check their answers in pairs and give them an answers key. While checking I will particularly focus on the pronunciation of every ordinal number, especially the /θ/ final sound (see Language Analysis). We will practice with a choral drilling.
I will give a number for each student from 1 to 4. They have to remember it and create 4 groups: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. It will be useful to put in practice the ordinal numbers and prepare for the next activity.
Each group will have a copy of the diagram of Tate modern and make questions about the places mentioned in the exercise. It will be a simply and fast speaking activity. To check if they understood they won't write any questions or answers on the paper I will ask them: "are you going to write your questions?" While they are working I will actively monitor them to check if they are making some mistakes in order to give them a direct feedback. This exercise is surely a practice, but also a pre-listening task (and listening is the main focus of my lesson)
Now, SS still in groups are going to take advantage of the previous map and recognize the same symbols presented in a new HO. They will match the symbols with the words. I will warn SS that this HO is very important for all the other activities we are going to do until the end of the lesson.
The feedback will come from a listening itself! SS will exchange their answers with another group and check them thanks to a recording. We will have a brief WC discussion if necessary.
SS in groups all have the previous HO with symbols and words. They will use it again to think the words which are going to be recognized from a longer recording with five conversations at the Tate Modern information desk.
SS will swap their answers again and we will check them all together.
Still referring to the symbols HO, each group is going to work on another one with some sentences written on it. They have to match a sentence with a place they have heard in the recording of the conversations which will be played again.
Each SS will receive an answers key to be checked together in his/her group
If time, I will then gather the SS in a circle and play a ball game asking to each of them "What's your favourite museum or historical site in Istanbul?", "Why?". I will start saying mine, then each student will throw the ball to another keeping asking and answering each other.