ayoub ayoub

Teaching practice 3
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will get the chance to speak about things that are true and to express their ideas more strongly. This will be done through controlled, semi-controlled and freer activities. The first exercise students are given is a controlled one that will get them to notice some expressions used to make ways of talking about things which are true. The second exercise is meant to further consolidate the target language practiced in the previous exercise. The students will get the chance to learn the meaning of the expressions as well as drill some of them. The next two exercises are designed to strengthen the students' speaking skills and encourage them use the expressions more. As I expect to finish a bit earlier, I decided to design a freer activity to give students more chance to practice the target language. The main idea of the activity is to stand in a semi-circle and pass the ball to a student who will need to talk about the topic the teacher has already given them using again the learnt expression. After he/she finishes, the student passes the ball to a classmate and they keep going until everybody's given their opinion.


Abc Gap-fill exercise
Abc Matching exercise.
Abc Speaking game

Main Aims

  • To help students practice speaking about things that are true and express their ideas more strongly.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To teach vocabulary items related to the target language.


Lead-in activity (6-8 minutes) • To get students to notice the target language.

Teacher sticks picture to the wall and ask students in pairs to use expressions they know to make ways of talking about things which are true. After they are done, teacher gets feedback from them. Teacher tell students that they are going to listen to an audio but before that he will give them a handout. After they listen twice the students will need to complete the expressions in exercise 3 using the words in the box. Students check their answers with their partner then teacher asks for feedback.

Focus on Form & meaning. (7-10 minutes) • To get students to learn some new expressions that they will later use in speaking.

Teacher tells students that they are going to receive 12 strips of paper (1-6/A-F) and that they need to match them together to form the correct sentences. Students work in pairs. After they are done, teacher elicits/explains meaning and does some drilling to help students with pronunciation.

Speaking game (12-15 minutes) • To get students to practice the target language using the expressions the learnt.

Teacher splits students into four groups and writes 5 topics from exercise 1. He then explains that each group should decide on 1 topic and that one person will start giving his opinion using the expressions s/he learnt earlier in the lesson. After 30 seconds, the group shout 'Change you mind" and the person starts saying completely opposite things of what s/he was saying. After the second 30 seconds is finished, they move to the next person in the group. The activity carries on this way until everybody's given their opinion.

Back-up activity (10-12 minutes) • To get students to talk more freely about some topics making use of what they have learnt.

Teacher asks students to stand up and make a semi-circle. Then, he asks them to suggest some topics that they may want to talk about (he gives one as well). After that he passes the ball to one of the students and ask them to give their opinion about the topic. When the student is done s/he passes the ball to another student. The activity goes on like this until everybody's given their opinion.

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