nurdan nurdan

Listening and Functions on Seuma's job
elementary level


In this lesson, SS will be engaged with exercises that will help them develop their receptive skills for the gist and detailed listening to be able to extract specific information from the conversation they will listen to. Based on this, they will work on their productive skills with a role play conversation to practice pronunciation and to possibly memorize the dialog.


Abc Slips of different jobs Seuma has
Abc Answering questions related to the listening
Abc Color slips
Abc Completing the conversation

Main Aims

  • To develop SS skills of listening for gist and specific information and working on functions. By the end of the lesson SS will have been able to understand the following functional exponents for asking for ice cream and other simple dialogues.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To recall to the previous lesson that is about the main character of this lesson. To practice the vocabulary used in the dialogues and improve awareness on intonation


Stage 1 (warm up) (2-3 minutes) • The SS referring to the information from the previous lesson, remembering and brainstorming.

To make the SS remember all the different jobs Seuma had: - T will write Seuma's name on the middle of the board - T will ask the SS to form a circle and give instructions: " I will throw the ball and say a job of Seuma, if you don't say a job in 3 seconds you're out" ICQ: "how many seconds do you have to say a job?" (3) "what do you do when you catch the ball?" (say a job) "will you throw the ball to someone else after?" (yes) - Then T will throw the ball saying one job of Seuma e.g. "Seuma works as a bus driver" - T will elicit the other jobs of Seuma from the SS who catches the ball. - meanwhile T will have slips of papers ready stating all the 13 jobs of Seuma and every time one is mentioned T will stick that job on the board next to his name and form a spider diagram. - T will drill pronunciation

Stage 2 (text based listening presentation) (5-6 minutes) • Drawing attention on the questions, provide controlled listening activity for to answer the related questions.

- T will project the questions on the board for the SS to see before moving on to the listening. - T will read each question and ask the SS to think about how Seuma's day might be. - T will say "you'll listen and get the answers to these questions for each dialogue" ICQ "will you listen or speak?" (listen) "will you write the answers or talk about them?" (write) "will we get the answers from the recording?" (yes) - T will pause in between each dialogue and ask the SS to check the answers in pairs - T will elicit the answers from the SS and write on the board - T will then play the next dialogue and ask the SS to answer the questions for teach of the dialogues in the same way - T will follow the same procedure after the dialogue, to get the SS check the answers in pairs then elicit the answers and write it on the board e.g. "so, is it morning, afternoon, or evening?" (afternoon)

Stage 3 (giving the form through listening and choosing the correct word) (10-12 minutes) • To provide controlled listening practice for specific information

- T will project the dialogues on the board and give handouts - T will give the following instructions: " there are 3 dialogues about Suema and his day, listen and fill in the gaps with the correct word" ICQ "will you find the answers in the text or through listening?" (listening) "will you fill in the gaps?" (yes) - T will play the track T3.9 - T will pause between the dialogues so that SS can get the answer and have time to write. - after each dialogue T will assist the SS to check their answers in pairs and then move on to the next dialogue - Once completed, T will divide the SS to 3 groups give dialogue 1 to group a dialogue 2 to group b and dialogue c to group c - T will ask all groups to come up and fill in the blanks of their dialogue that was projected on the board - T will make them listen to the recording sentence by sentence and drill pronunciation and ask where the intonation goes? e.g. "good afternoon. can i have two ice-creams, please?" "does voice go up or down?"

Stage 4 (controlled practice for productive skill) (15-25 minutes) • To provide a controlled productive practice in order to practice and demonstrate the pronunciation and the dialogue

- T will get the focus on dialogue 1 and pick a S to join at the front of the class for the demonstration - T will be 'a' and the S will be 'b' in turns they will read the dialogue 1, then 'a' will read the lines without looking but 'b' will follow from the paper, then they will change turns 'a' will read the lines from the paper but this time 'b 'will cover his/her paper and read form memory. - T will pair the SS as 'a' and 'b' and tell them to practice dialogue 1, after reading few times - T will tell 'a' s to say the lines without looking, after a round - T will say now 'a' s look but 'b' s don't look. - SS will practice dialogue 1 few times in turns until both partners read without looking. - after T will change partners and give the next dialogue to practice. - when all dialogues are practiced T will color code the SS - T will instruct them to find their partner who has the same color and practice the number of dialogue written on their color slip from memory. ICQ "will you talk with anyone or find your color partner?" (find partner) "Which dialogue will you practice, any or is it written on your slips?" (written) "will you read the dialogue or remember from memory?" (remember) - T will make space in the middle of the class and begin the mingling activity.

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