Abdul Abdal Abdul Abdal

Resume-CV writing
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice their writing skills by learning how to write a CV/Resume. Students will do several class activities of matching exercises, discussion about job advertisements. Ss will then look at an example of a CV and learn the purpose of each section on a CV. Ss will do a gap filling exercise of headings of the CV and discuss the CV. In the productive stage, they will go around the class and look at different job advertisements for them to write their own CV for those jobs.Ss will hang their completed CVs for peer checking and a winner of the best CV will be announced as a WC feedback.


Abc audi script, Questions to reorder, a quiz,whiteboard, boardmarker

Main Aims

  • • Provide intensive writing practice on how to write a CV/Resume for a job.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • Develop speaking skills conversation fluency speaking practice in the context of a CV/Resume.


Warmer/Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T writes CV/Resume on WB and ask Ss to discuss with a partner;: CCQs What is a CV/Resume? A CV is a document which has information about you What is a a cover letter? A letter you send to apply for a job. What is a job application form? A form you fill to apply for a job T monitor and then give WC feedback on the above by prompting Ss for answers. T ask Ss to discuss with a partner about the sources of Jobs: CCQs Where can we look or search for jobs? Internet, Newspapers, Notice boards, etc. T monitor and then give WC feedback on the above by prompting Ss for answers. T handout a matching exercise of a job application process and Ss will do it individually and then do peer checking. T will monitor the exercise and prompt Ss for correct answers. T will handout the answer key.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through writing

T will divide the class into groups of three students each. T will handout two Job adverts and a sheet of questions to answers about the adverts. T will monitor and give feedback to the GW by praising and prompting. T will handout the answer key. T will handout a missing letters exercise and then match the words of in CV on the left with their definitions on the right. Ss will do it individually and then do a peer check. T will monitor and give feedback through prompting and praising. T will give out the answer key.

Useful Language (7-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T will handout out a real CV as a model or example. T will also handout follow up questions to the CV. Ss will do task 3 individually and then peer check. T will monitor and give feedback. T will divide the class into groups and ask Ss to discuss task 4 on the same sheet in relation to the CV. T will monitor and give feedback by elicit, prompt Ss for their answers.

Productive Task(s) (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T will hand out another CV but with out the headings and ask Ss to wrting the correct one from the list. Ss will do the task individually and then do a peer check T will monitor and give feedback. T will put three Job advertisements around the class. T will put a group of three students to look at each job advertisement. Ss will look for specific information on the job advert and write them down. T will write on WB the three things; 1. Name of the Job 2. Is CV required 3. How do we send the CV ICQs Are we looking for the name of the job? Yes Is a CV/Resume required? Yes How do we send the CV/resume? By email or post T will then handout an incomplete CV for Ss to complete with their own information about themselves. ICQs Can we refer back to the example CV? Yes T will monitor the exercise and elicit, correct minor mistakes.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T will check and correct all Ss work while monitoring and ask them to stick all their CV/Resume on WB and other classroom walls. T will ask Ss to move around the WB and walls where the CV/Resume are stuck to check their peers work and choose the best CV. ICQ Which of the CV do you think is the best written one?

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