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Appearances, TP2
A2 (Elementary) level


In this lesson, SS start the lesson with a warm up activity where the class is divided into 2 groups. Each group will have a boardmarker and when the teacher says one adjective, they are going to write the opposite of the adjective. This is followed with a reading passage which will be interesting to them. Then SS will have specific information about the reading passage. In the grammar stage, we have a group work activity. They will consider whether to use have, has or is. It will be followed by semi-controlled activity during which they will write a paragraph about their family. At the last stage, SS will write an e-message, which is a reply to the reading context, and read their e-message to their friends by mingling.


Abc Straight Forward Elementary Workbook
Abc Gap Fill Hand-out ex:1
Abc white-board
Abc T/F questions
Abc Teacher-made game
Abc Hand-out ex:3
Abc Photo
Abc Answer key
Abc two boardmarkers

Main Aims

  • To provide process and product writing practice of an e-message in the context of apearances
  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about appearences

Subsidiary Aims

  • This session focuses on student using adjectives with have/has as well as have/has got


Warm-up (6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

At the beginning of the lesson I will greet my students, "Good morning, hope you are doing well. How was your weekend?". Since they have learned the adjectives in the first two lessons I want them to use the ajectives in an entertaining way . I will divide the class into 2 groups and give a boardmarker for each group. I will tell them that "when I say an adjective word you are going to write the opposite of the adjective. If you write the adjective before the other group you get the point." I will say : tall, young, fat, handsome, old, beautiful, thin, ugly, short.

Pre-reading (7 minutes) • To preapare students for the text and make them accesible

In this section, T shows the hand-out asks the SS "What is this?" and They will say "e-message". T elicits about the picture "Who wrote this e-message a girl or a boy? Where is she/he from? How old is she?". T gives hand-out to the students and asks them to read and find out the correct answers." T takes feedback and writes the correct answers on the board. T asks them to fill in the blanks. After they finish filling in the blanks T asks them to check their answers with their partners. T writes the answers on the board so SS can check their answers together.

Reading for specific information (7 minutes) • To allow students read the text and get an idea of its full content

In this step, T gives them 2nd handout and wants students to read the paragraph for the following two specific questions: "How does Barbara's father look like? (He is fat and avarage height.) How does her mother look like? (She is short and thin.)" Then T gives them true or false questions. After giving the hand-outs, T shows them how to find the answers and makes a demonstration. T says "let's look at the first question : -Barbara's father is fat. Let's look at the paragraph. It says "He is fat and avarage height". So the answer is true." T wants them to work in pairs and answer the questions together. While SS are answering the question T writes the answers on the board.

Presenting grammar (12 minutes) • To show the differences between have, has and is

In this section, I will point out to the previous lessons and give examples about "have/has and is". I will write the examples in two columns and underline the differences. I will also point out that we can use "have/has got" as well as "have/has". I will show realia objects such as book and boardmarker" . I will show my book and say; "This is a book. I have a book"; "It is a boardmarker. I have a boardmarker". Then I will give examples from the class "He has white hair, She has brown eyes" Afterwards I will ask for their examples. I will divide them into groups of four and give them teacher-made game papers. They will try to find out where to use have, has or is. There are fifteen questions that they have to put them into the right group. After all groups finish, they will check other groups answers. T will give an answer key handout for each group in order to check their answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (7 minutes) • To provide students a chance to practice and apply the skills they have learned

In that step SS are going to write about their family. I will ask them to describe their family with the adjectives that they have learned in the previous lessons. I will stick a photo of my family on the WB. I will draw an arrow and show my mother's photo. I will write "My mother's name is Semire. She is 50 years old. She has blue eyes and black hair." Then I will show my father and write "My father's name is Cevdet..." Then at the bottom of the photo I will write "my brother and my sister". I will also give a HO which has an adjectives they may want to use. I will ask them to write the same thing for their own life. After they finish writing I will ask them to speak with their partners.

Free Practice (6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will tell the SS to write an e-message to Barbara Blake about their family. After they finish writing I will ask them to stand up and walk around the classroom to read their e-message to their friends (mingling)

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