Gursah Cekic Gursah Cekic

YLE-TP3: There is/are
Elementary level


In this lesson the Ss are going to receive a reading text and will read for gist. Focusing on the phrases "There is/are" the T provides a speaking activity as the lesson continues.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about New York City in the context of places and facilities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of places and facilities.


Warmer (5-8 minutes) • To draw Ss' attention to the pre-reading task.

The T starts the lesson by asking what are the Ss' favourite countries. After eliciting the answer "the USA" the teacher focuses on this country by asking what are the famous cities in the USA. The T then focuses on New York City and asks what can be seen in NYC.

Gist Reading (5-10 minutes) • To draw Ss' attention to the meaning, form and pronunciation of the TL

The T draws pictures and writes the relevant vocab on the board, then checks if the Ss know their meaning. Afterwards, the learners get their reading text from the T and reads it for a gist. The T then asks what words seem familiar with the ones on the board. The T then asks the learners if they would like to visit NYC and why/why not. The Ss stands up and walks around the classroom to tell the others why s/he likes to visit (or not).

Exposure (5-10 minutes) • To provide the Ss with semi-controlled practice of the TL.

The T delivers the 2nd handouts and asks the Ss to stand up and look around to see some photos from NYC. The Ss are going to look at the photos and circle the relevant word on the handout. This exercise is continued with writing sentences that begin with "There is/are" or "There isn't/aren't"

Extension (5-8 minutes) • To provide the Ss with controlled practice of the TL.

The T shows famous places and facilities from NYC and asks what they are. After clarifying the answers, the Ss stands up again and walk towards the photos hanged on the walls in the classroom. The Ss try writing sentences like "There are many people in the photo." "There is a skyscraper in the photo."

Reading for Detail (10-15 minutes) • To provide the Ss with controlled practice of the target language.

In the begining of this stage, the teacher asks the Ss to stand up and walk. While walking for 10 seconds, the T stops them instantly and asks the Ss to pair up with the person who has the longest distance with. The pairs then sit down together and The T starts asking several questions about NYC. After eliciting some answers the T asks the Ss to read the 1st handout, the text about NYC, again. This time the Ss are going to read in detail and try finding suitable answers for the questions. The answers are in different places in the classroom and the Ss will try finding them after the T gives some clues.

Flexi-stage (5-10 minutes) • Memory Game

The Ss remove every material from their desks and put them in their bags. Then the T asks 2 or 3 questions to the Ss. After this demonstration, the Ss are asked to work in groups and ask random questions about NYC to one another.

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