ablahouiji88@gmail.com ablahouiji88@gmail.com

Reading and talking about worst case scenarios
Upper-intermediate , B2 level


In this lesson , ss learn about different ‘’worst case scenarios ‘’ and how to deal with them , through a guided discovery based on a reading text. The lesson starts with an exposure to the some key vocabulary about ‘’worst case scenarios ‘’ using some pictures , in order to introduce them to the topic . Then ss will be exposed to more related vocabulary , through a pair-work prediction activity. This is followed by a another pair-work exercice where ss are supposed to make a list of ideas according to their personal experiences and opinions . After that , ss start reading the text for detail , in order to check their answers , and then start discussing the questions in pairs . This is followed by a controlled practice where the ss go through the text and guess the meaning of some vocabulary . Then , they do a pair-work comprehension activity. Finally , there is a speaking activity based on a group discussion related to the topic .


Abc A text
Abc Key answer handout

Main Aims

  • To give students practice in the integrated skills of reading for gist , and speaking fluency in the context of worst case scenarios .

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce related phrases and listening for specific details .


Warmer (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Engage ss by asking them what they can see in each picture . -Introduce the vocabulary that they don't know . -Do some drilling .

Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- Set ss in pairs - Ask them to read the titles , then answer the two questions in Ex.1, pg 62 - Tell them not to read the texts yet .

Presentation (3-4 minutes) • To make students think about and predict what might be in the texts .

- Set ss in pairs - Get them to write a list for each situation found in the titles - Remind them that they should not read the texts yet. - Monitor and make sure the students are making their own lists.

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

- Ss read the texts individually and check their answers - ss get in pairs again and discuss the questions in Ex.3 pg.62 - Monitor and help if necessary

While-Reading #2 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

- Put ss in pairs - Ss go through Ex.4 pg 62 and try to guess the meaning of the words from the texts. - Monitor and help if necessary - Go through the answers as a class - Give them the answer key handout .

Freer practice (6-7 minutes) • To inhance ss 's understanding of the text and prepare them for related discussion

- Put ss in pairs - Ask them to answer as many questions as they can ( Ex 5 pg.62) - Ask them to read the text again and check their answers . - Monitor and help if necessary - Give them the answer key handout

Post-Reading (5-6 minutes) • To provide ss with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- Put ss in groups - Tell them to discuss the questions in Ex. 6 pg.62 - Monitor - Elicit answers from each group for the questions .

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